
Aug 12, 2010 15:49

Okay there is this story, saar_fantasy is writing called "The Secret".  It got me thinking after reading the ninth part and leaving a comment. 
Poll FandomsMy answers are as follows:

1) Adam, Cook, Arthur, Gibbs, and Sheppard
2) They to me seem the more dominant type.  I know the others can be dominant but these guys seem like they would literally hurt you if someone looks ( Read more... )

f/f, ncis, merlin, het, sga, fandoms, american idol, pairings, slash, questions

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Comments 12

saar_fantasy August 12 2010, 19:58:13 UTC
:D I'm glad my fic got you thinking like that!
I have a huge smile on my face right now, you should see it :p lol

and I made you listen to Lifehouse-Whatever It Takes too !

Double SCORE! for me :D


jslvr4vr August 12 2010, 20:01:37 UTC
Try triple, not doing what I'm supposed to do (school) at all. lol ;DDDDD


answer to your poll unpublicguy August 13 2010, 04:52:30 UTC
hey there... :)

first of all, thanks for provide the link of "Strut".
I enjoy the story (LOL), and sex on stage... definitely don't know how to react...LOL. but I need to say the story was HOT !

Cookleta was CUTE !!!! never though such pair was exist before Kradam. they definitely made into my list now as my 2nd best after Kradam. :)

oh ya ! about your poll (I hope it's ok to answer it here... )
1) I would choose David Cook
2) am in the same page as you. Cook seem more protective to Archie. the dominant power was obvious to be seen between them (probably age factor? I dunno)
3) David Archuleta

well, I want to put Adam & Kris in your poll, but for me both of them can be dominant to each other. that's what I think. I see their pairing more to versatile type.LOL


Re: answer to your poll jslvr4vr August 13 2010, 11:50:15 UTC
That's totally fine. I'm so glad u liked the story. :). I don't mind the answers here. I wanted to know ur opinions and this was a great way. I never really thought of Kris as dominant until u wrote that epilogue. Still really don't see him, more like Adam but only because I know Adam is a top through and through. Kris would probably be the only one he let top him (maybe Brad but would he have let Drake?).

Thanks for ur opinion. :)


Re: answer to your poll unpublicguy August 13 2010, 12:44:59 UTC
am also not sure though.LOL.
Drake seem masculine in his picture. :)


Re: answer to your poll jslvr4vr August 13 2010, 23:08:02 UTC
Just cuz he's masculine doesn't mean he is. ;) Does Drake have Kris' hair and eye color? I only saw a few pics of him and that was a music video so I really don't know.


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