ficlets: "Diligence", "Gluttony", gen

Mar 06, 2009 02:41

Title: Diligence for 7_virtues
Characters: Alan/Molly, Jennie, Todd
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 311
Continuity: Takes place after this panel in JSA #55 and refers to the oath Alan gives in JSA #50, "I won't fail you again. You or any of the children of the Justice Society. That is my oath."
Disclaimer: I own nothing. I make nothing. The JSA, Alan Scott and family belong to DC Comics and AOL Time Warner.
Notes: Thanks to serenography for the wonderful beta and to shardsofblu for the prompt.

Title: Gluttony for 7_deadly_sins_
Characters: Rick/Jesse/Grant
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 469
Continuity: Justice Society of America (v4) with references to The Titans
Disclaimer: I own nothing. I make nothing. The JSA, Alan Scott and family belong to DC Comics and AOL Time Warner.
Notes: Thanks to serenography for the wonderful beta and to literaryll for the prompt.

hourman ii - rick tyler, obsidian: todd rice, damage: grant emerson, fanfic, liberty belle ii - jesse chambers, green lantern: alan scott, jade: jennifer-lynn hayden

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