Sign-ups for Round 2

Sep 23, 2006 17:04

Hi everyone! As you know, sanami276 wasn't able to mod a second round because of a full schedule. Luckily, I have no life so I was able to take over. ^_^

So let's get started right away, shall we? Make sure to read the rules and sign up at this post. Sign-ups will close September 30th, and the second round will begin October 2nd.

I've made a couple minor changes to the rules, mainly concerning weekly challenges. Instead of giving you pictures every week I'm going to also be giving you specific themes, or other something of that nature. It should be fun!

I'm going to make a suggestion post so all of you can comment and suggest themes or new bands that you'd like to see. I hope all of you will have something to say! ^__^

**EDIT: I'm going to keep sign ups open until we have at least 10 contestants!

The List:
1. jrocker
2. rae_chi
3. bluemana
4. shinyainlace
5. __stariv
6. denialofreality
7. dim_quiet
8. kasandara_yuy
9. bye_bi_cycle
10. missymw88icons

Sign ups closed!

round 2, sign ups

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