Fic-The Real World-John/Elizabeth (PG)

Mar 16, 2012 23:23

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: John/Elizabeth
Genre: Drama/Romance
Rating: PG
Notes: Episode tag to "The Real World"

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stargate atlantis, fanfic, john/elizabeth

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Comments 2

failegaidin March 18 2012, 01:26:09 UTC
YAY SPARKY! Love it :)

I will never understand how the writers didn't try to go there with them. HE WAS HER ONLY LINK BACK TO THE REAL WORLD. Seriously???


jrmstoughchick March 18 2012, 01:32:47 UTC
YAAAAY! Thanks :D

I KNOW RIGHT? That episode was just BEGGING for them to finally get together. I love it, it's one of my favourite episodes...but UGH the ending. lol


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