
Nov 27, 2006 19:58

I bring you icons of the spoilery and shippy kind.

[x] Bones (Angela/Hodgins, S2)
[x] SGA (The Return 2 SPOILER, mixed couples and stuff)

comment/credit/no alteration/ enjoy!!
credit: http://jr-moon.livejournal.com/128942.html
pimp: sg_awards

No teaser because of teh spoiler.

cut )

sparky, shex, sga, icons, bones

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Comments 31

kateheightmeyer November 27 2006, 19:10:28 UTC
Aaawwwwwwwwww, aber keine Brennan und auch nix Booth bzw. Booth/Brennan *weint* ;D

Aber süße Icons, und tolles coloring wieder.

& wie geil ist denn bitte schön der Ronon/Elizabeth flirt Icon? Hahahahaha, den snagge ich mir sofort und geh auch gleich hochladen *hop*



jr_moon November 28 2006, 06:38:48 UTC
Habsch dir doch gesagt. *g* Die 2 interessieren mich (noch) nicht. *knuddels*

Dankeschön! :D

*lol* Ja die 2 sind schon heiß!!!



xsacrifice November 27 2006, 19:11:01 UTC
i love the atlantis ones, such a lovely episode. Snagged the Ronon/Weir ones and will give credit when I use ^-^


jr_moon November 28 2006, 06:39:14 UTC
Thanks a bucnh!


nefernat November 27 2006, 19:37:01 UTC
*squeals over teh Hodgela and teh Jack!!*

And, of course, for teh Rodney and surprised!Carson ♥

And to show off one of the new icons I found today. While on break from writing the thesis. Yes.


jr_moon November 28 2006, 06:39:58 UTC
*happy grin* I'm glad you like'em Sweetie!

*lol* @the icon!


nefernat November 28 2006, 09:46:11 UTC
*uses iHodgela icon this time*

I've started watching the Season 2 eps (I've seen two so far) and wheeeee for the Hodgela. The looks! The soft smiles!! *melts*


jr_moon November 28 2006, 15:00:23 UTC

Aren't they the awseomness? *thinks Hodgela sounds incredibly funny*


freyasdelight November 27 2006, 19:42:32 UTC
Shex is canon! *faints* ;D


jr_moon November 28 2006, 06:40:25 UTC
Loooove Shex! *glombs*


(The comment has been removed)

jr_moon November 28 2006, 06:41:03 UTC
*happy* Thanks for your comment! I loove your icon! *misses Spangle*


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