In this "Carry On" themed photoshoot that features Shintaro Morimoto and the members of Hip!Hop!JUMP, Shintaro, Shoki, and Juri discuss what they're doing their best at right now. Based on his answer, Shintaro should buy a sweatshirt like
this one that Yuuto has on, Shoki is going to become the muscle man of HHJ, and Juri needs to get some acting tips from his big brother xD.
Wink Up November 2011: Shintaro Morimoto+Hip!Hop!JUMP
This month we’ve asked them about what their “doing their best at!” thing is. It seems like everyone is doing their best at many different things.
Shintaro Morimoto: It’s gotta be dancing or singing, after all. I’m always doing my best at those things, but news kids have entered the agency and I can’t lose to them, of course. That’s why I’ve got to get great, I think. I’ve been a little bit bad at dancing from the start. But I want to become talented enough that I’m able to say that I’m good at dancing and singing. Also, I want to be able to appear in many locations and perform well in them, no matter what the genre is. It’s almost time for the public exhibition of “Summary” in the dome, but the stage is different from the one of the Tokyo Dome City Hall, isn’t it? Right now my number one priority is to be able to do that perfectly. It’d be great it I could get people who haven’t really been interested in me up until this point to think that I’m amazing.
Shoki Morohoshi: Right now, I’m trying my hardest at the jogging and muscle training that I’m doing. I thought: “I’m kinda chubby and that’s bad,” and so I started jogging in around the middle of July. But I don’t just want to get thin, I want to be muscular, so I started muscle training too. I probably run for about 2 to 3 kilometers a day. Then I do my muscle training, and after that I take a half-body bath. That way I conveniently get rid of my sweat (smile). When I do it that way, my body weight goes down, and my abdominal muscles become a little more defined! I think I’ve gotten physically stronger~. Until now, I’ve had the idea that I should get physically stronger by jogging or something, but I was never able to continue for more than 1 week. But this time, I’ve been doing I for more than 2 months, and I intend to continue more. My body weight is already fine, but I want to get more ripped. I want to have a body that makes your heart stop!
Juri Tanaka: I’m working super hard on my acting so that I don’t hold everybody back. I’m really bad at acting, you know. But this time I’ve received an awesome role, so I’m desperate. [DREAM BOYS] has already been showing for about a week but I’m still working hard at delivering every line well every day (*this interview was conducted in the middle of September). I don’t know what’s right in acting, so it’s hard. Recently I was told: “there are some scenes where it’ll be more powerful if you deliver your lines with your throat too, not just your stomach, so using it would be good,” by an acting coach, and I’ve received advice from others as well, so I’m working hard while remembering what they’ve said and paying attention to it all. It’d sure be nice if, with this chance, I could grow to be able to say that I like acting. Of course, I already feel like it’s great that I was given this chance and that I want to do it again in the future.