I thought this was common sense, but let me spell it out to you again:
If you want to repost a small part, credit kananyan@LJ. Thank you.
201107 Potato. Boys be ambitious!!
僕はお父さんがドイツ人でお母さんが日本人。歌とダンスとお芝居が好きだからジャニーズJr.になりたいって思って、去年履歴書を送ったんだ。初めてコン サートに出させてもらった時は本当に楽しくて興奮したなぁ~。これからもいろんなジャンルで頑張ろうと思ってるので応援してください!雨の日、僕は嫌いじゃないよ。だって雨は地球のために必要な物だからね。
葉成龍. よう せいりゅう. 2000年3月30日生まれ 0型 ドイツ出身 特技:ピアノ、ダンス 長所:優しい! 好きな食べ物:焼き肉 好きな色:ピンク.
My father is German and my mother is Japanese. I thought I’d like to become a Johnnys Junior because I like singing, dancing and acting, so I sent in my application last year. I was really happy and excited when I was allowed to appear in a concert for the first time. I’ll try my best with different things from now on, so please support me! I don’t hate rainy days. Because rain is needed for the earth.
Yo Seiryu. Born 30.03.2000. Blood type O. From Germany. Special skill: Piano, dance. Strong point: Nice! Favourite food: Yakiniku. Favourite colour: Pink.
201107 DUET. Newest Private Information普段はドイツで暮らしてるけど、学校が休みになると、母さん のふるさと•日本へ来るんだ。日本、とても楽しい!こないだもJUMPのコンサートに出られ て、嬉しかったな。ダンスが上手くなりたいから、もっと東京にいたいけど、ドイツにいる家族と会えないのは、やっぱり寂しい……でもご飯は日本のほうがお いしい(笑)。焼き肉が大好き!
葉成龍. よう せいりゅう 2000年3月30日生まれ。身長151cm.体重39kg.
Normally I’m living in Germany, but when the school has holiday I’m visiting the birth place of my mother, Japan. Japan is really fun! I’m happy that a while ago I was allowed to be part of JUMPs concert. I do want to become better at dancing, I do want to be more in Tokyo, but it is sad that I can’t meet my family in Germany. But the meals in Japan are mire delicious! I love Yakiniku.
Yo Seiryu. Born 30.03.2000. Height 151cm. Weight 39kg.
I'll finish the rest of JaPAnizu Hi! Duet 201107 once I got through my exams, ne ^^'
Has the Potato 201107 part been translated already? and, should I x-post my Wink Up 201107 translation although it's been shared here already?
lastly I hope a little advertisement is allowed *hides*
I just opened a Marius Schmich Yo-seiryu Julius tumblr page!
fuckyeahmarius.tumblr.com/feel free to follow and submit stuff but remeber to credit properly when you take something <3