Net deficit effect of reconciliation bills Republican Presidents have signed into law: $+347,000,000,000
Net deficit effect of reconciliation bills Democratic Presidents have signed into law: $-625,000,000,000
Net deficit effect of reconciliation bills Republican Senates have passed and then been signed into law: $+293,000,000,000 (*)
Net deficit effect of reconciliation bills Democratic Senates have passed and then been signed into law: $-560,000,000,000 (*)
Differential between Republican and Democratic Presidents: very close to one trillion dollars
Differential between Republican and Democratic Senates: about 850 billion dollars
* The biggest reconciliation bill, $552 billion worth, was passed with a 50-50 Senate. I have allotted equal responsibility ($276 billion) to both Democrats and Republicans. However, since a tie vote would have resulted in the Republican Vice-President breaking the tie, this is probably far too generous to Republicans.
You may also refer to
Massar's rules for more insight on these matters.
These numbers derived from today's
New York Times chart on reconciliation bills Note: The NY Times data is (presumably) not adjusted for inflation, and so my totals are not either. This would certainly make the comparisons even more dramatic.