When the US or a state faces a crisis, the legislature is often
called back into emergency session by the executive (proceeding, as often as not
perhaps, to make a bad situation worse, but I digress).
When Canada faces a crisis, the legislature is
1. To discontinue a session of (a parliament, for example).
2. To postpone; defer.
Yes, Canada, in its wisdom, has told Parliament to go away,
vamoose, get lost, and otherwise stay out of the business of
governing until January 26th.
In the US, we have a situation where the President is impotent,
the Congress is flailing, and the economy is plunging like
a lead balloon wrapped around neutronium (
In Canada, we have a situation where the Prime Minister is an
asshole, the Parliament is impotent, and the economy is about
to be absorbed into a giant sinkhole caused by its neighbor.