textures 018: old letters

Apr 23, 2009 18:01

Fourteen textures of old handwriting, made from public domain images. There are two versions of each texture (one is black handwriting on a white background, the other is the negative image of that.) These can of course be made into brushes, but you'll have to resize some of them depending on which program you use. :P These are around 500px on their largest side, but I also have larger versions for most of these; if you want them, let me know!

[[download]] [DA page]


The texture is set to Screen, 70%, under a color Multiply layer, some color balance and brightness/contrast layers, and a red Lighten blob. ;)

Comments are ♥.
Credit is preferred, but not mandatory.
Don't claim these as your own.

resources: textures: large, resources: textures, resources

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