Y'all, I want to do a meme. And I like love! And I'm a total copycat, because
gigantic has the best ideas. Therefore:
Give me any two characters bandslash or popslash and I'll tell you how they fell in love.
Yes? Yes.
ETA: Okay, all set! Thanks, guys!
Comments 42
AJ has just broken off with his third long-term relationship Post Sobriety, and he just, he just doesn't know what he's doing wrong. Like, his ladies keep cheating on him, and his gentlemen keep telling him he's sweet but they just need other things out of the relationship (and secretly he thinks they're cheating on him too, they're just better at hiding it), and so he decides that he needs to clear his mind, gain some distance from everything. Nick comes around for dinner one night, bringing along his newest woman, a little thing who wears a lot of wooden bracelets and has long curly brown hair and giggles a lot, and she spends the dinner talking about her experiences at this spiritual retreat she just got back from, while Nick nods and says, "Sure, baby, sure," and playing with the strap on her tank top. AJ tries not to stare down her shirt, even though he can see the see-through edge of her bra whenever she leans over to emphasize a point, but by the end of the evening, he knows one thing. ( ... )
"Sit. Stay," he says. "Hey. Why don't we start over?" He clears his throat, scraping his hand through the air like he's capturing something and throwing it away, and JC starts to smile just a little around his eyes. "All right. Hey, JC, buddy! Damn, man, I can't believe I ran into you in this here spi-rit-ual retreat. That's amazing! How the hell are you?" JC starts grinning and breaks into laughter at the end, and AJ smiles ( ... )
William fell in love with Jon when they were wee young things on the Chicago scene, and they'd meet up on street corners in large groups of friends and head on in to shows together and then push and shove and sweat and jump and afterwards head out to a diner somewhere to have burgers at midnight before William had to split off to try and sneak back into his house at 1 am. He fell in love one night when they were talking about being in bands. William's band had just fallen apart for the fifth time and the lead guitarist, in leaving, had hissed, "Well, what the fuck do you expect, with your shitty lyrics?" and William was just feeling rather bruised about it all, and maybe like this band thing wasn't entirely all it was cracked up to be. Maybe he ought to become an artist.
"Like, pottery," William said. "I saw this thing--"
"What the fuck are you talking about?" Jon said.
"There was a program," William said. He stabbed at his stack of pancakes ( ... )
The thing is, Brendon kind of means it. He'd been having a shitty day. Spencer had yelled at him twice and Ryan wasn't speaking to him at all. He suspected the two were connected, because Brendon had insulted Ryan's backing vocals during a really trying rehearsal session in one of the venue bathrooms by saying, "Could you sound and flatter, Ryan? Jesus. The note is here." Ryan and Spencer were like thirteen-year-old girls sometimes. It got old. But, yeah, not one of his finer moments, he's ( ... )
"Could you sound any flatter, Ryan? Jesus. The note is here."
Brendon is my faaaaavourite. ♥♥♥
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