Is this the watch of Vice Admiral Cuthbert Collingwood?

Mar 18, 2012 21:38

Dear Collingwoodites, here’s a puzzle for you to solve!

Bingham Cuthbert (!) Charles Schreiber gave the following watch to his granddaughter Virginia on her 18th birthday. The watch, so the family story goes, was presented to Old Cuddy by the British Government after the Battle of Trafalgar. Mr. Schreiber was estranged from his father at a young age and grew up in Canada.

Needless to say, this is a very exciting find if the watch can really be tracked down to Collingwood. And that’s what I need your help for, dear history buffs and experts! I can’t remember Collingwood mentioning a watch in his journal or letters, which doesn’t have to mean that he didn’t get one. Let’s look at the note coming with the watch first.

“Admiral Collingwood’s watch a gift from the British government after the Battle of Trafalgar 1796″

That’s confusing, as the battle obviously took place in 1805. It’s not very likely it was a different battle, either - the Battle of Cape St. Vincent was a year later. However, that year might not be about the battle, but about the year the watch was manufactured:

“A.R. Keating 1796-1815 Production Strand- Serial #5834″

My knowledge about watches is very, very limited. So I hope there will be readers who can help me out with the following questions, and maybe tell Virginia more about her watch:
  • Can anybody tell me something about the maker of the watch?
  • Was this really Collingwood’s watch?
  • Did he mention it anywhere in his journals or letters?
  • Do you know how it came into the possession of Mr. Schreiber?

Edited on 22th March: new information and pictures!

Virginia’s grandfather was born in Parry Sound,Ontario, Canada, on 8/15/1906. Virginia was born in the mid-sixties.

Virginia has also sent additional pictures:

Thanks so much for your help. Any information will be greatly appreciated.

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royal navy, 19th century, collingwood, age of sail, rescource, 18th century, trafalgar

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