Charity Auction: Help the flood victims in Pakistan and win your own Age if Sail ghost story!

Aug 16, 2010 12:59

Written by Emma Collingwood - as an audio file, read by myself. It will be one of the stories in "The Radiant Boy"; an old-fashioned ghost story set in the Age of Sail.  You'll get my strange accent for free, and I'll throw in some choccies as well.

This is a one-of-the-kind item, nobody else will get it. You can keep it for yourself, you can share it with your friends - the only thing you may not do is sell it or use it in any money-making way. Copyright and ownership remains with me.


Just leave your bid here in this entry. Bidding starts at £ 20.00, and sky is the limit. Highest bidder at the end of the auction wins. You don't need a LJ account to post, but please leave a name and an email address if you bid anonymously.


You pay by donating the auction price to Doctors without Borders. You send me the receipt, you get the story.


The auction will end on midnight GMT, 31st August, 2010.


I'll send you the file on a CD, with a nice cover, some choccies and a big hug. If you don't want the latter, donate it to somebody who needs it. You'll receive the story no later than the end of September; I'll try my best to get it to you as early as possible.

Please tell your friends about this auction, post a link on Facebook, retweet it, message it. Thanks so much in advance. The flood victims in Pakistan need our help. Here are two of those victims - it's important to put faces to a disaster.

Picture by Hatif Ameed. Please have a look at the slideshow of his photographs - those are the people you're helping with your contribution.

charity, emma, radiant boy, writing, books

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