This is part of the (Mis)adventures of the Captain and co, index is at It was surprisingly enough the Doctor who noticed first. It was odd that the sometimes naïve, sexually unaware and generally insensitive alien should notice whilst her highly experienced, expressive, omnisexual, flirts with anything with a torso (and occasionally without) father would remain blissfully unaware.
They were visiting one of the Captain’s favourite trading outposts, trading trinkets from 21st century Earth for baubles and supplies from other worlds. A trader at the market sold a type of candy that she had always adored and she was bartering with the merchant for a fresh supply for the TARDIS, armed with children’s toys and a few musical instruments from earth. The Doctor was strolling along on his own, sipping a fruit cocktail they sold here that he always loved which tasted almost like a fruit that used to grow on Gallifrey. The colour was all wrong but if he closed his eyes he could almost imagine he was home. He watched as the Captain and her father haggled with the merchant and all three laughed as they agreed a price, the Captain handing over a recorder, some castanets and a teddy bear dressed in a little outfit over in return for several bags of the candy.
Deal done they turned away, ready to move on to the next stall when one of the dancers from one of the local bars made her way through the market. She was a stunning creature, long golden limbs and silver hair set off by her electric blue robes and make up. It was as she passed and he caught the expression on Jack’s face that he spotted it. He had always secretly liked to watch Jack meet new beings, no matter how much he told him off for it, but that look of attraction flashing in his eyes and that small smile were all the sweeter to the Doctor now he knew that he was the only one who would ever know more than that from Jack. But as she passed his gaze slid onto the dancer briefly and tracked off Jack, now really spotting his daughter at his side. And the exact same look on her face.
The Doctor sputtered slightly into his drink as he realised and couldn’t stop a broad grin breaking out over his face. Jack had mentioned that she spoke of a lover left behind, a mysterious “Lee” who she had been staying with on Earth. But Jack had assumed Lee was a male, had never considered the possibility… The Captain looked straight at him suddenly, sensing his gaze, and a guilty grin lit up her face as she felt his laugh and realisation. She shrugged and he shook his head slowly back. It didn’t matter to him in the slightest but he watched her gaze flit up onto her father and she winced slightly.
She knew he wouldn’t care but still… He was her dad. Just like she didn't like to discuss THEIR sex life she didn't want to discuss her own with him, not yet anyway. He tilted his head in acceptance, knowing he would find out when she was ready. She was still his daughter and there were still things that came under the heading, as she put it, of Too Much Information. Still, he really hoped he would be there when Jack found out. The look on his face alone would be priceless.....