Character: Timothy McGee
Fandom: NCIS
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters mentioned, nor am I making any money from them. I merely borrow them from time to time.
Warning: References to a slash relationship are mentioned.
Author's Notes: McGee shares his reaction to what he witnessed. The next part of my 'Discovering' series that began with
What Have I Done?Cross-posted to: Linked, rather than cross-posted to,
lover100 Poor Ducky.
I know just how he felt. Not about his mom dying, but about being caught kissing. Being caught kissing another man.
It happened to me once.
Oh, I'm not gay.
I'm even bi these days.
I'm not even sure I ever was; not really.
But I had a close friend once, not close in the way that the boss and Ducky are close, but closer than most friendships. He kissed me one day and I kissed him back. It felt right; it felt natural; it didn't feel wrong. It wasn't wrong.
At least we were only caught by one other person, and she was fine about it, intrigued. In fact thinking about it, her reaction was a bit like I could imagine Abby reacting. Have you ever seen anyone bounce silently and without moving? Well, that's what Abbs was doing when we all turned up in Autopsy.
Gibbs didn't care, but that's Gibbs. He just kept Ducky in his arms and told us how great we weren't as agents. Part of me, now I've had time to think about it, wasn't surprised by seeing Gibbs and Ducky together. I was surprised, however, to learn that it's been going on for all those years.
Guess Gibbs really is the bastard he always claims to be; in some ways.
Guess though he can't be that much of a bastard, otherwise surely Ducky wouldn't still be with him?
Ducky was bothered though. But not for himself; that was clear. He was bothered on Gibbs's behalf.
I hope Gibbs is able to reassure him. Well if he can't, no one can. And he should be able to; thirty years is a long time to be with someone. It's a long time for friendship even.
I hope no one, especially the boss and Ducky, thinks what we saw will end up being alluded to in my books, because it won't. I'd never do that. It wouldn't be right.
I do hope everything will be okay between them. I'm sure it will be. Gibbs will know what to do.