I need to stop doing so much because writing about it is a pain in the arse and since I have one of these things I probably shouldn't just update it with 'Have a look at these Photos' every two months...
That being said-
Have a look at these Photos. )
Comments 53
Sasha looks amazing, I love her stockings... Girls get all the best stuff. I want some stockings. I should get some, I could totally say it was haute couture, no one would argue with ME I work for Christian DIOR.
I liked my crocuses ♥ you are such a soft touch. And I'm not MOPING. Alright, I might have had a little mope but not for long.
All I can see in that photo is HOW BIG MY ASS IS.
Come fuck me to Caspa, I'm really stoned and it needs done. It being me. Hahahaaaa.
Stockings eh? Just how oblivious are you at the moment? Have you been smoking with Michelle because you know fine that you can't keep up. Lace hold ups and a pocket watch, tails and a cane, lets see any fucker tell you that's not high fashion.
Fields of them. No I'm not I just like plants. You were totally moping.
I have something to tell you, if you were under the impression that this was screened- Well that's a myth. Caspa is... Alright I was going to say very slow and heavy but if you're out of your box I can see how that would appeal. Sex Pest.
Omg how did you knowwwww? I can so keep up I'm keeping up RIGHT NOW. Yeaaaaahhhh a CANE. Thats so fucking classy and shit.
Omg you got me a FIELD. I'm gonna farm stuff on it. You don't like plants you like FLOWWWWERS. Shh.
OH OOPS silly Tim. Slow and heavy and sexy and breathy, come on, LOSER, come and nail me, don't be lame.
Just a little inkling. So you are, I can tell by the level of decorum in your comments. Can you not just harass me by text or in person like a regular boy or does this need public documentation? That's so fucking classy and shit... ah haha ♥
I totes did baby. What stuff? Flowers are plants, and I'm not that fussed tbh.
By God you're arousing.
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