FanFiction: Raw Meat

Apr 20, 2008 12:23

Title: Raw Meat
Rating: PG-13
Summary: What we do, what we speak its all in preparation for what is to come.
Disclaimer: Ain't mine, never were mine!
Author's Notes: This Fic was written for
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fandom: torchwood, fanfiction

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Comments 8

snakewhissperer April 20 2008, 16:18:41 UTC
should it worry me you can crawl into the mind of a cannibal so well?


joulez217 April 20 2008, 16:22:48 UTC
Erm....if I answer that are you gonna send the men in white coats after me? :


snakewhissperer April 20 2008, 17:08:24 UTC
no, writing is therapy.


joulez217 April 20 2008, 20:44:20 UTC
Good! Thank you for the comment, I'm not too mad, and I dunno how I managed this fic. It just....quite literally came to me!


gypsylady April 20 2008, 18:01:13 UTC
I am going to keep chanting "It's just a tv show" over and over until this stops haunting me. Well done, but I'm not sure that's a good thing. LOL!


joulez217 April 20 2008, 20:41:38 UTC
Heehee thank you! See this is the second comment I've gotten like that! Seriously I'm not that mad! XD


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