i try my best to hide in the crowded room

Apr 30, 2010 07:28

As with every year, I want to buy a maxi dress. I will of course never wear a maxi dress anywhere in public as they are wildly impractical for a person like myself who has terminal clumsiness and a life that involves climbing stairs. But oh I want one. Boooo modern life! Why will you not enable me to have flowing floral skirts?

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Comments 19

dimloep_suum April 30 2010, 17:16:50 UTC
I also long for a maxi dress, and the length is no issue for this Amazon princess, but an empire waist on broad-shouldered, small-chested me? Not so much, no. (Or perhaps I am just being silly and it's actually the Best Idea Ever. IDK.)


jossish May 1 2010, 08:52:29 UTC
Try one! You'll never know until you try! I am realising I have a lot of self-imposed clothing rules from being a Fat Spotty Girl, and actually now I am a Tall Slim girl, pretty much everything looks awesome on me, which is very exciting.


tansu April 30 2010, 19:49:44 UTC
Long flowing empire waist maxi dresses don't work so well for me, but I have a polyester jersey (oh yeah!) slinky fit maxi dress that I got from Kookaï 12 years ago and it's still serving me very well.


jossish May 1 2010, 08:54:27 UTC
Kookai! (I can't do the dots; I know not how.) I once bought a super cute smoky blue lace knit cardigan from there in the January sales and it was my favouritest thing ever until I snagged it on something. I forgot that place even existed.

Also I celebrate the knowledge that other people are still wearing things that are over a decade old (though in my case it is a humungous grey Benetton sweatshirt and a cream bobbly jumper from C&A. Gosh, I miss C&A.)


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