Title: The Secret Life of Daydreams - 은밀한 생활은의 공상에 잠긴다
Author: Jossie
Pairing: Micky Yoochun/FC/ Max Changmin
Length: Chaptered 03/ ?
Rating: PG 13 - R
Summary: A romance that once was and is no more. One that can only be hold for so long.
One that breaks the soul and somehow it opens up to someone new to mend it.
Previous:PROLOGUE Previous:Chapter 1
Previous:Chapter 2 3
You belong with me because you
have absolutely nothing else.
Thousands of seconds pass by as he sits beside you at the top of the stairs.You're frozen, your mind is still. Your body is helpless and down. You cry.He never once asks you why.
"He's inside, right?"
He knows. He knows.
Breath. Inhale, exhale.
"Do you want to be my girlfriend?"
You dry your tears with the tip of your index finger.
"You see a girl crying and you ask her to be your girlfriend?" You smile. "This is something, now."
"No, I don't do this....often."
You straighten your mouth, serious now.
He enlightens the mood by squeezing your arm lightly.
"I'm kidding." Your lips stutter.
"I think you should date me."
"Do you? Why is that?"
"Because you need me, it's as simple as that."
"As simple as that?" It was never like this and you knew it.
"Yes. You won't be lonely anymore. You need me."
"I don't even know you, but if you say it's simple as that, then why not? I'm a fool for sweet words." This was your reality.
"I like to sing."
Dreams of him singing to you, especially to you, hover your mind. Never once did Micky sing to you. Never did he tried to.
"Singing is good, really good."
And then you hear footsteps and screams.
"Leave her, you don't need her. She won't even do you, Micky."
"Shut up."
"Leave her."
"Get out of here."
You shift your attention to Min. He looks at you, though, silent.
The scene was somehow dramatic and chaotic inside your apartment. You could tell the feeling was hostile but between Min and You all you felt was peace, a sort of longing.
"Leave her, baby. I'm way better than her, I could give you things she can't."
He won't leave you, he couldn't.
"I can't do this now, Jae."
"Than when will you?"
"Not now, that's all I know."
The door opens and she sees you.
She grins wickedly and winks at Changmin.
"Is this your new victim?"
Her attention now to your new friend. You ignore her, like you've ignored every other stupid remarks people have made about you.
"Leave her. If you don't leave her now she will never leave you like she never left him."
You hear Min chuckle; Micky at your doorstep studying your every move.
"You would know, now wont you?" Your savior spoke up. This is a first for you, nobody in the history of your lonesome life have anyone ever tried to gain up your dignity.
Her almond eyes glare at Min ferociously.
"He doesn't want you and yet you're still here. Talk about pathetic."
"You don't know anything, so, I would advice you to shut the hell up."
His melancholy grin strikes you cold.
"Yes, indeed, pathetic."
"Leave, Jae, I'll see you later. " The boy, the man that you once loved alleged.
'See you later' are all you hear as almond eyes girl glimpse at you mouthing "pinkberry" before leaving you bitter and worn.
And you're tired, tired of this humiliation, but you're more tired of him. You're exhausted.
"It's late, Maksim, I think you should go inside. It's rather chilly in here." Min rubs your arms lightly.
"I can take it." You wouldn't dare leave him.
"You heard what he said," your former lover motions his head to your friend,. "Its freezing cold. Come inside with me."
Your mind is blank, absent. You put your hands in your head quieting all the voices of guilt in your head. Stupid silly girl you are, tangled between two men. The little rainbow you are, the voices, the voices of guilt and remorse shake your mind.
"I'm really cold, freezing cold."
Your new friend stands up and helps you up. "Come on, I'll take you to your room to warm you up."
When Micky heard this, he couldn't help but curse himself. Why couldn't he take care of his Maksim like this man did? What the hell was wrong with him?
Seeing her walk hand by hand to her room made Micky's existence fade away bit by bit. He was losing himself as he was losing her. He couldn't bear to stand and do nothing.
But, maybe, just maybe, he could bear it.