Title: Things My Boyfriend Gave Me (1/2)
Prompt #049 -- first love
Character: Drusilla of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Spike narraration
Rating: PG
Word Count: 187
Part three of the Sensations sequence
Dru and I had a pet, once upon a time. A true pet. A little girl that Dru turned shortly after the beginning of our fifth year together. Dru was never good with pets, never good with the day-to-day care of cats and puppies, so I offered her the alternative: make a pet. Bleed a pet dry and turn it to our kind.
She looked so lovely, set out on the girl's throat, slipping a collar over the bitemarks before the babygirl could begin to turn. Pretty white satin over a padded white leather, pink accents over the O-ring. She'd made it herself, my Dru. Picked out the leather and the accents before hiring one of our last meals to make it.
The little girl's name was Annie, I think. I don't know for sure, she always mumbled it with a thick accent, "Aw-nee." Even after we finally made her properly, always "Mahster". She was a lovely choice, the best gift that I could give to my girl, my Dru.
My Drusilla. Not my first love, but one of my best.
So I gave her a pet.