It's been a while I know, I took a longer than expected break from this after Nano finished, sorry.
Title: Feeling the Sun
Author: Rileysaplank (Andy)
Rating: U
Character(s): Oz
Prompt Set: 1
Prompt: #14 Sunlight
Here.Word Count: 149
Oz turned his face towards the sun and let the warmth of it creep over him. Sunlight had always made him feel safe in Sunnydale, too crowded for demons and too combustible for Vamps. But now, since he’d been bitten by his cousin sunlight had taken on a whole different meaning for him, it meant other people were safe from him as he was now one of the monsters he’d sought the sunlight to be safe from. And no matter how hard it was for him, he knew his baby cousin would have it worse as he would have no understanding of what was happening to him. Oz hoped with all his heart that growing up with the curse would make it easier for Jordy than it had been for him, having had it thrust upon him in what was a difficult period of his life even without it.