The How Verse - How Gabriel Novak Decided To Change (chap 22/25)

Aug 22, 2012 13:07

Title: The How Verse -  How Gabriel Novak Decided To Change (chap 22/25)
Fandom: Supernatural (AU)
Author: Joseethefirst
Rating: G (higher rating in later chapters)
Characters/Pairings: Destiel/Sabriel, mention of past Gabe/Kali
Warnings: really nothing in this one
Word Count: 1482 words
Summary: The lives of four people change in a span of a year shown through fragmented memories. It centers mostly around Castiel.


Chapter 22: Gabriel now has a new resolve to not let things go down the same road as before

After Sam left, Gabriel was left to his desk thinking. It had not even been a year since he came back and he was already tired of this crap. He could still remember the day he left. What Michael and everyone else, aside from Castiel, didn't know was that Gabriel actually went to this very high school. Michael had signed him up to the fancy ass high school but Gabriel had decided that he had enough of dressing like a stiff and having to behave. After forging many documents and impersonating Michael over the phone, he got himself out of the fancy school to this very public high school. And he loved it. He quickly made tons of friends and he could finally explore his desire to be in theatre and he quickly fell in love. The only person who knew was Castiel. Castiel at the time was still a little kid and since everybody else was 'too busy' for him, Gabriel felt bad and started dragging Castiel around to his rehearsals. The other people in their drama team adopted Castiel as their mascot and spoiled him rotten. Gabriel doesn't know if Castiel remembers that. He brought Castiel to all of his performances and was rather touched when he came back and would hear the music of certain musicals he's been in, playing softly from Castiel's room. Michael though, wanted him to be the accountant of the family. Gabriel told him he could go fuck himself. And when Michael wouldn't budge - Gabriel left.

It was early in the summer. He had slowly and surely removed all of his trust fund, now 18, and hid away cash. He had applied for teaching in a school in Wichita and applied for residence. He knew people there who agreed to help him out. So, he started to ship off his stuff, slowly and surely and then one night, he grabbed the rest of it, went in Castiel's room, took the framed picture Castiel had of them, stuffed a small note explaining how to contact him and then wrote a message in pen on the boy's hand that said "Look at the picture of us and you'll understand." and then he left.

Wichita was amazing. When he first got there, he shared an apartment with three boys and two girls. It was a small two bedroom apartment, he mostly slept on the couch and partied, it was the most freeing thing. And he made great friends. One of his roommates was this sweet girl named Angel. She was majoring in Norse Mythology and started calling him 'Loki'. The name stuck. Within a month, nobody knew his real name was Gabriel. He was now Loki. Even in class, the teachers called him Loki. He was making himself a reputation and loved his classes to death. He moved into the residence and had a great roommate. He thought he could do this forever. And then one night, during his second semester of his first year - he met Kali. She was a fiery woman straight from India here to study politics. There was just something about her that drove Gabriel wild. They soon started dating and kept dating until that fateful night.

It was 3am. There was a knock on the door of the apartment he currently shared with Kali. Gabriel blinked, groaning as he got out of bed and yawning loudly as he made his way to the door. He opened the door and blinked, spotting this very attractive young man with a giant duffle bag and a backpack. This guy couldn't even be legal yet.  "Uhh...I think you have the wrong place, dude." The guy whimpered, it's when he noticed how miserable the guy looked. "Gabriel? You don't recognize me?" Gabriel froze. Nobody had called him Gabriel in years. Who the fuck was this kid who apparently knew who he really was?! "Look buddy, I don't know who the hell you think I a-" then he froze when he saw the eyes. Holy shit, only one guy in this world had eyes like that. "...Castiel?" Gabriel asked in a small voice. The boy nodded, let out another whimper "I'm sorry! I just...I had to get away, I just, I couldn't anymore!" Gabriel's heart shattered. He was Castiel's only real ally in that house, the only person he had to depend on, and he left him. "Loki? Who is at the door at this hour?! Send them away!" Gabriel turned around, spotting an angry Kali. The decision was already made. "Sorry babe. I have to go. Family calls."

Gabriel had grabbed his things, put them in his mustang and drove Castiel back. During the drive back, they talked. Gabriel found out that Michael was trying to force him to become a lawyer but he really wanted to be a librarian. That Castiel was the top of his class, but he didn't really care. What he really cared about was his best friend Sam and his other close friend Dean, who Castiel confessed to having a massive crush on. That he loved reading and was such a nerd and excelled at track but Michael forbid him from joining the team since it would take him away from his studies. Whenever Castiel brought up what he had been up to or asked about Kali, Gabriel changed the subject. He didn't want to think about what he was leaving behind.  Kali broke up with him instantly, sent all of his stuff to the Estate - but Gabriel figured it was over the minute she told him that his name was actually Gabriel and he basically kept this from her for three years. He also might have told her that his entire family died during a freak car accident and that he was the only survivor and couldn't remember any of his life before the accident. But you know, details.

It was a rash decision that made him come back. Granted, he could had easily just taken in Castiel, told him to shut up, have him play along, but damnit, the jig had been up anyways. And with him around, Castiel was able to do things like apply for the program he wanted without Michael knowing, sneak off in the middle of the night to see his boyfriend, sneak off for a weekend to basically just go to an hotel and have sex (who do you think owned the credit card?) and all sorts of other shenanigans. And through Castiel, he met Sam, who he doesn't regret at all. Kali drove him insane, it was hot, fiery but it had no real future and he knew it. But with Sam? He felt passionate and just good. He just adored the kid so much. And if he was honest with himself, he saw a future for them. But if he was realistic, he knew that he had to leave the Estate. With a new resolve, he opened up his laptop.

Later in the day, when the final bell rung, he quickly made his way through the crowds of people. He finally spotted Castiel by his shoulder and was surprised to see Dean was there with him. Sam probably texted him or something. Sam came up to the pair and they turned to leave, but Gabriel caught up and put his hand on Castiel's shoulder. "Hey, do you mind if I steal Cas for a bit?" Dean huffed, then snarled. "You're not taking back to that place tonight! He's coming over!" Sam blinked, surprised "Oh. I had invited Gabriel over to watch movies and relax, do you guys want to join us?" Castiel nodded, smiling "That would be lovely." Dean snorted "I don't need to be invited, but since I'm invited now, I might as well." Sam rolled his eyes, Gabriel chuckled a bit. "Alright, how's this, I steal Cas, we go get some food and a movie and we'll meet you back at your place, deal?" "Sounds good to us."

As they drove towards the movie place, Castiel watched Gabriel, waiting for an answer. Shit, why the hell does his little brother have such an intense stare? "So, I bet you're wondering why I pulled you away for a bit." "Yes." replied Castiel instantly. Gabriel sighed, and then he smiled "Soo...I'm buying a condo." Castiel's expression sunk completely, he looked devastated. Instantly though, he tried to force a smile, which look extremely painful and awkward. "O-Oh...T-That's great!" Gabriel kept smiling, pulling out the listing he printed off and handed it to Castiel. "Want to see what I have my eye on?" Castiel nodded slowly, taking it. He quickly read over it and paused. "Why are you getting a two bedroom?" Gabriel grinned brightly "Want to come with me?" Castiel looked up at Gabriel, disbelief all over his face, and then he smiled brightly, tearing up as he nodded. "More than anything."

destiel, the how verse, fic, sabriel

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