The How Verse - How Castiel Novak Decided That Gym Class Sucked And That Watching [..] (Chap 15/25)

Aug 22, 2012 13:06

Title: The How Verse -  How Castiel Novak Decided That Gym Class Sucked And That Watching Dean Winchester At Work Was An Excellent Idea (chap 15/25)
Fandom: Supernatural (AU)
Author: Joseethefirst
Rating: PG (higher rating in later chapters)
Characters/Pairings: Destiel (Destiel/Sabriel later)
Warnings: really nothing in this one
Word Count: 557 words
Summary: The lives of four people change in a span of a year shown through fragmented memories. It centers mostly around Castiel.


Chapter 15: Castiel realises that Gym is a useless class and Dean's something he'd rather study

Castiel and Dean had been dating for a while now. Things had been going very well and they celebrated Dean's birthday on the weekend prior with, ahem, style. Castiel decided to be a little ballsy and he rented them out of a suite in a very nice hotel. Dean was surprised to say the least but it wound up being a very, very excellent weekend. But, it was winter, and cars apparently enjoyed breaking down a lot in the winter, so Dean wound up working long and late hours at the garage and Castiel barely got to see him. Not that he was complaining in a whiny-cut-your-hours-at-work type of way, but more like he missed Dean.Castiel was in the middle of putting his gym shorts on when a brilliant idea struck him. Gym sucked ass and the teacher never pays attention so he should just skip gym and go watch Dean working at Singer's Garage. Castiel paused for a moment, mulling this over then he nodded in confirmation to himself. Did he dare? He never skipped a class before! He also never went to Dean's job before, not wanting to bother him. He'd only been there once with Sam. Then again, it wasn't like Sam was in this class anyways, so it's not like he had a good reason for being here, and then its lunch. So, Castiel made his presence known for attendance and then waited a couple of minutes before skipping off back to the locker rooms. He changed quickly and then ran for it.

He reached the garage completely out of breath and practically skipped into the waiting area. He sat down, eyes bright and enthusiastic, hoping his lungs weren't collapsing, and then spotted Dean on the other side of the giant glass. The customers and the woman behind the counter (Ellen? He was pretty sure her name was Ellen) eyed him curiously, but Castiel was much too enraptured in watching his boyfriend work. When Dean finally turned his head after a good ten minutes of Castiel watching him, Castiel felt he could melt under the hundred watt smile Dean was flashing him. Dean didn't stop grinning the entire time.

Bobby Singer grunted, looking at the clock. Dean Winchester hadn't stopped grinning since he noticed the high schooler, who he was sure he'd have seen before - but with Sam, watching him work with much enthusiasm. And then, when Dean's break came along, Dean went to collect the boy and brought him out back. Bobby Singer was many things, but an idiot, he was not. He sighed, getting up and making his way to the back, not surprised to what he saw "DEAN WINCHESTER, YOU ARE FIVE MINUTES LATE, SO STOP LICKING THAT BOY'S TONSILS AND GET INSIDE, YOU IDJIT."

Dean had the courtesy to look a little embarrassed but when the boy in front of him smiled and chuckled at the reaction (Bobby will admit to being surprised that the boy's voice was so deep), Bobby couldn't help but smile a bit when Dean leaned in to give the boy a soft kiss, telling him to go back to school and that he'd see him later. Dean deserved something good in his life and this boy seemed to be it. Doesn't mean he won't rip him a new one for being late though.

destiel, the how verse, fic

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