The How Verse - How Castiel Novak Met Dean Winchester (And Fell In Love) (chap 4/25)

Aug 22, 2012 13:06

Title: The How Verse -  How Castiel Novak Met Dean Winchester (And Fell In Love) (chap 4/25)
Fandom: Supernatural (AU)
Author: Joseethefirst
Rating: PG (higher rating in later chapters)
Characters/Pairings: One-sided crush!Cas/Dean (Destiel/Sabriel later)
Warnings: really nothing in this one
Word Count: 1 346 words
Summary: The lives of four people change in a span of a year shown through fragmented memories. It centers mostly around Castiel.


Chapter 4: Castiel meets Sam's older brother

“My brother’s picking me up today” announced Sam, walking out of the school with Castiel. Castiel blinked, smiling softly. “Oh yeah? He’s getting off work early today?” Castiel had to admit, he had a fond spot for Sam’s brother. He never met the man, but it was obvious that he and Sam were close and Sam made him out to be such a wonderful man, kind and caring, yet still a brother that was playful and would tease Sam. Castiel had to admit, at time he was rather jealous, but he couldn’t help but be happy for Sam.

“Yep! And he said he’d pick me up! Do you want to meet him?” Castiel nodded “I’d love to meet him.” Sam grinned brightly “Hey, my mom is off tonight too, not on-call or anything and she’s making pizza! You should come over! Her homemade pizza is amazing! And she’d love to meet you!” Castiel blinked, surprised at the question. He’d never been invited over anywhere before. He bit his lip. He knew that Sam barely saw his mom since she was so busy (she was a nurse in the city’s biggest hospital in the emerg) and Dean, his brother, usually worked late at the garage he worked at. “I wouldn’t want to impose” answered Castiel. Sam blinked, then he smiled “Not at all! C’mon!” Castiel shook his head “No, no, it’s fine” then he gave Sam and awkward smile “Thank you for the invitation though.”

But before Sam could reply, a loud honk cut through. Castiel turned his head to see where the sound was coming from and his jaw nearly dropped. A 1967 Chevy Impala rolled up next to them and parked. A few seconds after, the engine was cut and the passenger window went down and Castiel gasped, his breath stuck in his throat. Who was this?! Sam smiled “Hey Dean! This is my friend Castiel, the one I was telling you about!“ A small detail that Sam apparently forgot to mention was that Dean Winchester was absolutely gorgeous. An Adonis, perfectly sculpted with the most beautiful green eyes he had ever seen. He couldn’t even compare it to anything because he’s sure it doesn’t exist. Dean smiled at him, and Castiel felt something bouncing around in his stomach. “So you’re the famous Cas!” Castiel blinked, surprised “Cas?” The man in the car merely shrugged “Just a nickname, does it bother you?” Castiel shook his head, blushing a bit “No.. No, I like it, it just caught me off guard” Dean flashed him a bright side. He could drown in those eyes forever. Sam coughed “Alright, we should get going.” Dean blinked, and then he smirked “Your carriage awaits, princess.” then he turned to Cas “You coming too?” Castiel blinked for a second and nodded, answering completely breathless “Yes, of course, yes!” Sam blinked, staring at Castiel, raising a brow. Dean smiled “Well, then get in! I’m starving.” Cas nodded, unable to stop smiling.  He felt like he was under a spell.

Sam didn’t lie; Mary’s homemade pizza was absolutely incredible. And Mary, Sam and Dean’s mom was incredibly kind and sweet. Castiel smiled to himself, he was pretty sure that Mary liked him and that was really reassuring. But it was getting late and had to get going. “Oh boys, we all lost track of time, your parents must be getting worried!” Castiel grew silent, and then forced himself to smile “Ah! Don’t worry about it. But I should be going.” Mary frowned a bit “Did I say something wrong?” Sam and Dean turned their attention towards Castiel. He hesitated for a moment. “No, no, I just, I don’t have any parents. It’s really just me and my siblings back home. But it‘s fine!” Mary smiled softly “Forgive me, I didn’t know. But if you ever need a motherly figure, always feel free.” Castiel blinked, almost shocked, then he smiled “Thank you.” Mary nodded, smiling brightly, and then she turned to Sam “Now, you have homework to do. So Dean, how about you give Castiel a ride home?” Sam opened his mouth to say something, but Mary put her hand up. Sam knew the discussion was over. Dean nodded, getting up and grabbing his keys. Then he turned and smiled at Castiel “No problem!” Castiel felt his heart pounding in his chest.

“So…If you don’t mind me asking…How come you don’t have any parents?” Castiel blinked, surprised by the question. Castiel shook his head “It’s fine, I don’t mind talking about it. My mother died at childbirth and right after my father just…left.”

“Wow what a dick!” Castiel made a startled noise and then started to laugh. Dean smiled, leaning towards Castiel “Hey, c’mon now, what’s the joke?” “I never heard anybody talk about my father like that!” Dean smiled sheepishly “Good or bad?” “Refreshing. It’s really…refreshing.” admitted Castiel, smiling softly. Dean smiled back “Good. I didn’t want to offend you or anything.” Castiel shook his head, looking down, speaking softly “You could never offend me.” Dean blinked “Huh?”

Castiel bit his lip “Can...Can I say something that might sound weird?” Dean lifted a brow “Shoot?” “I really love how good you are to Sam. Thank you. He speaks very highly of you.” Dean blinked, a bright flush making it’s way on his face. “O-Oh? W-Well, it’s nothing. I don’t know. I just take care of Sammy, that’s all.” Castiel blushed himself, unable to deal with how cute he thinks Dean is being. “It’s really wonderful.” Dean chuckled “Ah, you think too highly of me, Cas. I’m just a normal run of the mill guy who’s into cars and awesome music.” Castiel smiled “Is that so?” Dean chuckled again “Yep, and you Cas? What is Cas into, you know, aside from school.” Castiel snorted at Dean’s smirk after his question “Oh, a lot of things. I like to read. I’m also kinda of a geek.” Dean blinked, lifting a brow “…What kind of geek? Like…Star Trek?” Castiel nodded, smiling “Like Star Trek.” Dean’s face split into a giant smile “Dude, I love Star Trek. Like you wouldn’t believe.” Castiel blinked, surprised, then he smiled back “Really?” “Yeah! Really! We should…marathon one day…or something.” Castiel nodded enthusiastically “Yes. Yes! O-Oh, turn the corner right here”

Dean nodded, turning the corner and gasping, slightly horrified “Holy shit, check out the size of that house. Holy shit, I think it takes the whole block!” Castiel grew very quiet, then he nodded “It does…thank you for the ride home.” Dean’s mouth then dropped “Wait, you live here?!” Castiel nodded soberly “Yeah…My full name is Castiel Novak.” “…Like Novak industries…that own like…everything?” Castiel nodded again “Whoah, that’s intense for a little geek.” Castiel blinked, sputtering “Excuse me?!” Dean burst into a loud and jovial laugh “You should have seen your face, Cas!” then he calmed down, ruffling Castiel’s hair “I like you, you’re pretty cool, Cas. Don’t sweat your background, doesn’t say shit about you.” Castiel smiled shyly “Sorry, bad experiences.” Dean snorted “I can imagine. Some people are such assholes.” Castiel sighed “You’re telling me.” Dean smiled, giving Castiel a small punch on the arm “Don’t be a stranger, okay? Come over anytime. Especially since we need to plan that Trek-a-thon.” Castiel nodded, smiling brightly “Yes. Yes definitely!” Then he opened the door of the Impala and climbed out, standing there with the door open “Goodnight Dean.” Dean smiled back at Castiel “Goodnight, Cas.” and the next moment went by without Castiel really noticing.

The door was closed, the car drove off but he stood there, feeling his heart pounding hard in his chest, butterflies going crazy in his stomach. He felt like he was going to die there and then. His face burnt hot just thinking of the Winchester. Then it hit him like a brick. He was falling for Dean Winchester. With a skip in his step, he headed into the house, ready to spend a wonderful night with his bed, his hand and his thoughts.

destiel, the how verse, fic

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