"Is Obama an Enlightened Being?"

Jul 26, 2008 16:37

Courtesy of Mark Morford, SF Gate columnist, who is not kidding in his article "Is Obama an Enlightened Being?":


Barack Obama isn't really one of us. Not in the ( Read more... )

obama, charismatic leaders, 2008 election

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Comments 81

john_j_enright July 27 2008, 04:25:54 UTC
Nice Fisking! Also, excellent history on JFK. That's how it was. The "peaceful JFK" is an alternate universe character.


JFK, Martyr and Saint jordan179 July 27 2008, 05:29:50 UTC
Also, excellent history on JFK. That's how it was. The "peaceful JFK" is an alternate universe character.

Having actually studied the history of the Cold War (in college, in the 1980's when it was still ongoing), I find the conspiracy-theories' pacifist martyr version of JFK surreal, along with the notion that he was murdered over the issue of Vietnam.

If you actually read accounts of his Administration, his disagreements with the military over Vietnam amounted to reinforcement schedules. Both JFK and the military commanders agreed with the general notion that US troops needed to be brought in to stablize the situation; the only issue was which troops and how fast. Literally, it boiled down to conflicting estimates of the relative worth of airpower versus infantry, armored cavalry versus airmobile units, and how many to dispatch over the next few months ( ... )


Re: JFK, Martyr and Saint cutelildrow July 27 2008, 07:02:03 UTC
But... but they ARE your friends! They only killed him because he was against them! Because he was supporting the Allah-be-cursed Jewish Pigs, may Allah burn them! He deserved to die, and Allah be praised, he is now burning on the coals of his sins!


Speaking of alternate realities, this little dream I had should amuse you, if nothing else because of the scrambling of political landscape.


Re: JFK, Martyr and Saint eric_hinkle July 28 2008, 17:55:21 UTC
Very OT, but I love your various LJ icons, cutelildrow. Do you make them yourself?

And yes, once you understand history, the whole "JFK was a pacifist" does seem like an odd argument.


benschachar_77 July 27 2008, 06:48:21 UTC
People like Morford are the reason I fear for the future of the west; not because he's a blind sheep who can't see past his self righteousness and idol worship but because he represents a trend in lazy philosophy, half of the crap he wrote was collectivist claptrap and the other half (lightworker?Seriously?" sounded like he stole it from a cartoon.


a little tongue in cheek... cutelildrow July 27 2008, 06:54:33 UTC
Lightworker? nah. This little witch begs to disagree.

However, I'd say he is a Lightbringer... Prince of Lies...the Great Deceiver...


Re: a little tongue in cheek... oronoda July 27 2008, 12:19:17 UTC
You know... I remember a friend of mine from AIT who reads a lot of religious texts and he once described the Anti-Christ and my sgt and I looked it up to verify. How much is in line with Obama is frightening. They say you won't know the Anti-Christ until it is too late.

That is the problem with these Charismatic people... you don't know until it is too late


Re: a little tongue in cheek... cutelildrow July 27 2008, 13:33:07 UTC
it's too late or they're dead. One of the two. =3


bojojoti July 27 2008, 08:26:50 UTC
It really concerns me that we've become a nation that seems more preoccupied by what looks good and sounds nice than what works or is true.


cutelildrow July 27 2008, 13:35:19 UTC
you mean, the US haven't been since JFK (preoccupied by what looks / sounds good than truth or what works)



bojojoti July 27 2008, 18:30:04 UTC
Some of the US can take the plain, unvarnished truth. I've got to hope that's enough.


jordan179 July 27 2008, 19:06:11 UTC
you mean, the US haven't been since JFK (preoccupied by what looks / sounds good than truth or what works)

I'm not a huge JFK fan, but I'll point out that JFK had some real background before running for President -- he'd served in the World War II Navy and actually learned something about defense and foreign policy. Obama seems to believe that defense is a non-issue and foreign policy can best be handled by making idealistic speeches.


oronoda July 27 2008, 12:17:11 UTC
What a well-written piece, Jordan, by far your best.

This article worried me because as soon as people look to others in this light, there is no turning back. The person they essentially worship controls them after that point and the people can no longer think for themselves.

Obama is charismatic (I fell victim to it as well). But the honeymoon was officially over for me when he went to Europe like he already won. How arrogant is that? I'm voting for McCain and unlike what the press wants you to believe, McCain and Bush actually differ on many topics. But they still have their relationship for unity sake ( ... )


jordan179 July 27 2008, 18:53:57 UTC
... the honeymoon was officially over for me when he went to Europe like he already won. How arrogant is that?

Very. I'm not sure that his assumption was that he had won, but rather that he was in some real sense running for "President of the World." I also think that Obama confuses cheering crowds for meaningful diplomatic support, or hopes that his followers will make such a confusion.


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