Muslim Tantrum in Bangladesh

Sep 24, 2007 06:24

Courtesy of kc_anathema:

Let us all laugh together at the silly Muslims, who rush out into the street and in some cases get killed or permanently injured because someone, somewhere in the world, drew a picture. By ( Read more... )

cartoons, muslims, riots

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Comments 17

albear September 24 2007, 13:36:10 UTC
And their religion is called that of "love and peace" Indeed about that observation. They're idiots! just jealous SOB's who hate the West and hate to see us live in a civilized manner.


anonymous September 24 2007, 15:55:24 UTC
But remember how everybody tiptoes on eggs around them, terrifed of offending them in any way.

He who throws the loudest and most destructive temper tantrum WINS.


jordan179 September 24 2007, 16:59:55 UTC
But remember how everybody tiptoes on eggs around them, terrifed of offending them in any way.

This is largely a legacy of colonialist guilt, which is rapidly being eroded by the behavior of the former colonies.

He who throws the loudest and most destructive temper tantrum WINS.

... until the grown-up world tires of tantrums and slaps the brat down.


kitten_goddess September 24 2007, 17:05:13 UTC
If we develop an alternative fuel source, we could just ignore these people. The only reason we even pay attention to them at all is oil.


jordan179 September 24 2007, 18:01:04 UTC
Alternative fuel sources would help remove our inhibitions against (say) blockading oil-rich countries, but it would not end the threat of international Muslim terrorism.


kitten_goddess September 24 2007, 17:03:43 UTC
This is why theocracies are not a good idea.

And I thought the politically correct were thin-skinned! Eesh.


leoni2 September 24 2007, 19:44:09 UTC
except the pc morons tend to only get on your nerves and wished that they can have you under their control. The loony muslims wants to kill you while trying to get you under their control.


That's only because the "pc morons" don't have absolute power. kitten_goddess October 2 2007, 16:27:55 UTC
When you achieve absolute power with a Vision of The Perfect Paradise (an Omelette so Perfect it justifies breaking any number of eggs to bring it about), you'll find the PC Morons *WILL* break those eggs, including you and me.

It's been that way since that First Attempt at Secular Paradise, the French Revolution. Robespierre and the Reign of Terror, Lenin and the Bolsheviki, Stalin and the Great Purge, Mao and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, Pol Pot and Democratic Kampuchea...

A cult doesn't need to be based on a religion. Naziism, Communism, Nihilism, Objectivism, and a lot of other isms did just fine without it.


Re: That's only because the "pc morons" don't have absolute power. leoni2 October 2 2007, 17:17:20 UTC
> That's only because the "pc morons" don't have absolute power ( ... )


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jordan179 September 24 2007, 23:19:46 UTC
Have you ever met a muslim?

Yes, at various points in my life. Was there a point to the question?


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mosinging1986 September 26 2007, 13:55:22 UTC
I am surprised to see you saying this sort of thing. Not too long ago, you and I had a pretty involved discussion about how we can't just look at the followers of a religion, but we need to look at what the religion itself teaches. I thought we'd made some headway, so it's discouraging to see we're at square one again.


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