The Interview New York City Premiere Canceled

Dec 17, 2014 07:01

Under threats of North Korean terrorist attacks, the New York City premiere of The Interview has been canceled ( Read more... )

north korea, terrorist war, terrorism

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Comments 11

baron_waste December 18 2014, 17:40:13 UTC
“War” against whom?  Just pick somebody, as G Bush did with Iraq?  We don't know who made the threat; North Korea themselves flat-out denied doing it, which is weirdly believable - you'd think they'd jump on the chance to take credit, wouldn't you?

[I picture this jumbo-sized Rolodex, and the President going, whirr-rr-rr…

“Where the heck is the “Nagorno-Karabakh Republic”?  Never mind - they'll do! Call up the troops!”

Mind you, this could work in theory; if every other nation knew the USA was so mad-dog crazy that we respond to incidents like this by picking a nation at random for massive “shock and awe” “counter-attack,” they might hesitate to do anything we'd find offensive…  until their international alliance was strong enough to take us out before we could do any further damage!]

Against whom did the Israelis go to war after Munich in '72?  What did they do instead?  Which is the more effective strategy?


jordan179 December 19 2014, 06:57:05 UTC
“War” against whom? Just pick somebody, as G Bush did with Iraq? We don't know who made the threat; North Korea themselves flat-out denied doing it, which is weirdly believable - you'd think they'd jump on the chance to take credit, wouldn't you?

It is fairly obviously North Korea. And no, I don't think that they would "jump on the chance to take credit" for making aggressive war against a stronger Power, for the obvious reason that they might fear the consequences.

The motion picture corporations know it was North Korea, which is why they've also stopped releasing Team America: World Police. Every national leader in the world knows that it was North Korea. No, the rest of the world would not unite to protect North Korea's right to attack whomever it felt like. These are just excuses being made for inaction on our part, and they aren't fooling anybody.

I don't even grasp the relevance of your Munich 1972 analogy. We have zero capacity to send teams of assassins wandering around North Korea -- it is a closed totalitarian ( ... )


justgin1978 December 30 2014, 15:53:28 UTC
What can we DO about this? Is it enough to write a blog and incessantly whine about our liberties being taken away from us while we do nothing about it??? Evil thrives only because good men do nothing. What can be done??? Petitions, letters to congressmen, what would you suggest? Let's come up with a plan and then get about DOING it! Otherwise, let's just bend over, grab our heels and let "them" continue to rape us, unopposed, except for the occasional whimper.


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