Obama and Holder to Make Insulting Islam a Violation of Civil Rights

Jun 01, 2013 04:54

Obama's Justice Department has warned that using social media to spread information considered inflamatory to Muslims could constitute a violation of civil rights.  Since I am living in the United States of America, where my freedom of speech is guaranteed by the First Amendment, I have the following comment to make regarding this policy.

(*clears ( Read more... )

civil rights, america, constitution, legal, islam

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Comments 102

lostboy_lj June 1 2013, 12:52:58 UTC
I think you might have meant to type "centuries" instead of "millenia" (or maybe you are trying to make a point I'm unaware of).


mrmeval June 1 2013, 13:10:44 UTC
1.4 millennia would be accurate but not as good as 14 centuries. ;)

Allah like every other god is the invisible friend of people with varying degrees of insanity. There I've insulted most of the human race. Have a riot over it so I can let off some stress from a rooftop.


mosinging1986 June 7 2013, 20:01:48 UTC
Allah like every other god is the invisible friend of people with varying degrees of insanity.

Not really, since religions teach different things. What's important is which religion has evidence to back up its claims.

One key difference is my religion does not command me to kill you, threaten you, hate you or harm you in any way for saying this.


jordan179 June 7 2013, 22:14:25 UTC
What's important is which religion has evidence to back up its claims.

My evidence, Infidel, lies in the long train of ruined empires who dared to oppose the will of the True God Allah -- the shattered shrines, the wailing women enslaved to be the bedslaves of the Faithful. Lo, even now Europe has almost crumbled, and America is crumbling, before the will of Allah!

(this line of reasoning is exactly why we need to be inflicting frequent, destructive and humiliating military defeats upon them, so as to rub it into them that they are not winning. Appeasement is the worst possible strategy against an aggressor who believes that successful might demonstrates divine right).


lostboy_lj June 1 2013, 13:06:52 UTC
...Other than that quibble, I co-sign. This is a religion whose name is literally a command to submit, and these days seems to largely specialize in enslaving minds and bodies to murderous totalitarians and suicide pacts. Exposure to its influence seems at times more ruinous to brains than drug addiction, and the Koran offers almost no tranquil redoubts for peaceful practitioners to shelter from the bloodthirsty ones. It's essentially what the Old Testament would have looked like had it been written by a serial killer, and without a New Testament or an Enlightenment to soften its edges.

Is that good enough for me to be arrested in this wonderful new version of America?


belvarius June 1 2013, 13:26:53 UTC
Islam is both evil and vile (yay anagrams!) and has wrought more suffering on the human race than any other ideology in existence. The routine misery, death, and suffering islam commands it's followers to inflict on those not of the faith dwarfs any redeeming qualities (if it even has any) that the religion may have. The world would be a far better place if for some strange reason one day the entirety of Muslims in the world abandoned their religion and either converted to various other faiths or decided to follow no particular faith at all.


ford_prefect42 June 1 2013, 14:42:44 UTC
Actually, I am pretty sure that socialism has islam beat in terms of total misery, as well as the sheer consistency of the misery.


lostboy_lj June 1 2013, 18:23:23 UTC

Islam is murderous and oppressive in the extreme, but nothing beats the secular religion of socialism for sheer volume of horror.

It's like the McDonald's of murder and mayhem. 100 million served... and counting.


ford_prefect42 June 1 2013, 18:44:32 UTC
100 million is *just* Mao. Count in Hitler (national socialist german workers party, after all), stalin (holodomor, gulags, etcetera), and... well, virtually every successful major mass-murderer in the 20th... Yeah.


why I think it's a sham scottks June 1 2013, 14:19:27 UTC
After their prophet had his first angelic visitation (they say it was Gabriel), Muhammad wondered if he had been demonically possessed, and even contemplated suicide -- multiple times.

Too bad he didn't follow through.

He was so distressed by these visits, his cougar wife Khadija (she 40, he was 25 when they married), devised a test to see if the spirit visitor was good or evil.

Do you see Gabriel? Yes. Sit on my lap. Do you still see him? Yes. Get up, twirl around once, sit on my lap. Do you still see him? Yes. *she proceeds to remove her veil* Do you now see him? No. "O son of my uncle, rejoice and be of good heart, by God he is an angel and not a satan."

To this day, they believe the sight of an unveiled woman is so distressing, so deeply sinful, that it causes, even the angels of heaven, to flee in terror.

(more bytes for the NSA, now in my backyard)


Re: why I think it's a sham marycatelli June 1 2013, 21:15:35 UTC
According to their own account of his life, he once proclaimed the words of Satan as God's. False prophet.

Given that he, by their own account, could not tell the difference, and that we have nothing but his word that he ever said anything from God -- who would be such a fool as to believe?


Re: why I think it's a sham jordan179 June 1 2013, 22:39:23 UTC
If I were a theist, rather than atheist (I love that pun!), I would almost certainly be some variant of Jew (the faith I was raised in) or Christian (the faith from which I have found my wife and many of my friends). Judaism and Christianity both mostly make logical sense, when one accepts the necessary founding miracles. And both urge one toward the doing of good, rather than evil, viewed in rational terms.

Islam is insanely contradictory, oppressive, and can objectively be seen to impel its believers to the worst atrocities. What's more, the worst atrocities of Christianity (the Crusades and the Spanish Conquests of Mexico and Peru) can be seen as direct reactions to Islam -- the Crusades were a reaction to the fanaticism of the Turks, and Spanish fanaticism to the necessity of the Reconquista.


Re: why I think it's a sham mosinging1986 June 7 2013, 14:07:03 UTC
After their prophet had his first angelic visitation (they say it was Gabriel), Muhammad wondered if he had been demonically possessed,

I had some knowledge about Islam before I learned this fact. But it was this bit that set all kinds of alarm bells ringing for me that this was probably one of the biggest deceptions perpetrated upon humanity, and that it was a sham, as you say.

You'd think anyone who follows this religion would have the same reaction once they learned it, and that they'd run away screaming. But nope.


justgoto June 1 2013, 14:22:51 UTC
Is that sufficiently "inflamatory," Mr. Obama and Mr. Holder? If you want to tell people what they may and may not say, find some OTHER country in which to do it.


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