Karen Miller, who to my astonishment I found was actually a published fantasy writer, penned the following astonishing comment, as
karenmiller, (
http://jaylake.livejournal.com/1692287.html?view=15231359#t15231359) onto
lakeshore's journal.
... the thing for us
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Comments 130
On the other hand, anybody who uses terms like "cultural appropriation", "unseemly insensitivity", and "distasteful priviledge" all in the same sentence is probably full of hot air. It sounds less like she feels like she ought to respect their boundaries because it's the right thing to do and more that other people ought to notice how good she is at respecting "native people" boundaries.
Of course, few groups are so cohesive as to have somebody who can speak for the whole of them the way that, say, the Pope can speak for Catholics. This also presumes that everybody involved is polite and courteous. Here in the real world, these are rarely the case. So, the polite thing to do as a writer is to get the facts right and try not to slander a whole people with careless prose.
And as others have pointed out, writers who are oh-so-conscientious about Australian natives would bristle and react as if insulted if the Pope were to write them a kind letter asking for them to please not write about Catholics for a while.
I might write her and tell her that as a man I find it offensive that she might have male characters, given that she has never lived as a man.
But then I realize that as a white male I am likely the lowest form of life in the mind of someone like her, and I have no rights being the evil oppressing oppressor I am.
I'm not going to change that kind of mind.
In short: We're gods, you're shit, worship us or else.
Didn't you know?
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Of course they have a nasty habit of killing you if you don't listen to them, and for the left, that's a good enough reason to leave them alone.
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