Polynarch's claim that Guantanamo Bay is as morally bad as Auschwitz

Dec 30, 2009 08:09

The esteemed radiata_prime recently posted that the terrorists who successfully penetrated Northwest Airlines' security and nearly blew up an airplane over Detroit on Christmas were among those released from Guantanamo Bay (http://radiata-prime.livejournal.com/888093.html, referencing http://www.nationalterroralert.com/updates/2009/12/28/former-gitmo-prisoners-believed-behind-northwest-airlines-bomb-plot/). The conclusion radiata_prime drew from this was that

... the folks who wanted to keep them there actually knew what they were talking about.

with which I concur.

polynarch drew a rather, um, different lesson from this event, however. He said:

If they weren't terrorists BEFORE they went to GITMO they probably would want to be after being held and tortured by the US war criminals.

I hear most of the Auschwitz survivors also had a fairly negative view towards Germany once they were liberated.

an opinion which he then when on to defend when I challenged him on it, elaborating:

The US government is no better than the terrorists who are attacking us -and no better than the people who ran Auschwitz.

I don't know whether or not radiata_prime wants lots of people commenting on this on his blog, but I certainly commented further, as did he.

It's interesting reading.

america, terrorist war, war crimes, meta, guantanamo bay, terrorism

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