GLEE: Not of Average Arrangement

Aug 10, 2011 15:31

Title: Not of Average Arrangement
Rating: R
Characters: Kurt Hummel, Noah 'Puck' Puckerman, Finn Hudson
Pairing: Kurt/Puck/Finn, Kurt/Puck
Warnings: Threesome
Spoilers: references of 2.14 Blame it on the Alcohol.
Disclaimer: Not mine. No money. No affiliation.
A/N: Continuation of Only Seems Kinky the First Time
Summary: Kurt and Finn discuss just how they want things to work out, Noah is rather accommodating to the awesome sex and Kurt is appreciative.
Series: Part Two in 'Sex and Waffles'

As far as morning afters went -not that Puck actually had much experience with them, but this might be the weirdest. He wakes up sometime around dawn, and that's weird on it's own, cocooned in this blanket of heat. Finn and all his warmth is still nestled along Puck's back, and arm around Puck's waist and his fingers lightly resting on Puck's stomach, while Kurt just lies close to Puck's chest, but not against it.

It's weird. Not in an uncomfortable way, just in a way that he actually feels wanted, like they don't mind that he's there, like they want him to stay, like Kurt actually means he's welcome for breakfast. That's not usually how it works. Usually, Puck doesn't even spend the night. Usually, Puck is out before the post-sex buzz has left his system. So, beyond the fact that not only has he just had sex with two of his very male friends -because really, Kurt sort of slotted into that friend position pretty easy at the start of junior year, but they expect him to stay, Puck's not sure which should be making his skin itch more.

It wasn't even that he wanted to leave, because he didn't, which freaked him just a little, because it was comfortable right there. Finn behind him, Kurt in front of him, the little play of memories from last night reminding him exactly why he was there. For five minutes, Puck just lies there and listens to Finn snore lightly and Kurt breathe -it makes sense that Kurt won't even snore or make a noise in his sleep, he's so conscious of being this perfect little package. But Puck remembers the noises he made with his dick in Puck's mouth, remembers the way Kurt's nails clenched at his hair.

It takes a bit of shifting around, a fair amount of wiggling, but somehow, Puck manages to slip from the bed without disturbing either of the sleeping boys. Which leaves him standing in Kurt's room completely unsure as to what the hell he's doing now. He pulls on his jeans and heads to the bathroom first, taking care of business before standing in front of the sink and just staring at himself. His mouth tastes funky, and Carole always keeps a toothbrush under the sink for him, which he finds easily and uses to take care of the fuzzy tongue syndrome. But then that left him once again with the 'what the hell am I doing' problem. He didn't want to sneak out, but he probably should.

No one was doing anything wrong, were they? Rachel and Finn were broken up, Blaine had pretty much ignored Kurt, Lauren didn't want Puck like that. They weren't exactly screwing around on anyone -which really, hadn't been a problem for Puck in the past, so why was it a stumbling block now? And really, it was just sex right? Kurt wanted a blow-job, Finn needed to fuck something, and he was just conveniently there and willing. It has to be what it is.

Puck was sitting on the couch in the front room still trying to figure out what to do ten minutes later when Kurt practically flies down the stairs, looking slightly panicked and adorable with bed head. Probably regretting everything. Puck knew he should've left.

"You're still here." Kurt doesn't sound annoyed though, he's just, well, awed, and a little out of breath really.

"Um, yeah, sorry. I can go." He's used to it, it doesn't hurt, nothing is different. But Kurt's already shaking his head, eyes all wide and pleading.

"No, no, no. That's not what I meant. I just- we thought- it's fine. It's good, we're glad." Kurt's ramble is just a little out of character, Finn, Puck could understand him rambling. Sometimes Finn's mouth-to-brain filter just shuts off and he babbles out whatever runs through his head at whatever given time. Puck's used to it. Kurt not finishing a sentence and just jumping around with his words, that's new. Puck just frowned as Kurt came the rest of the way down the stairs, shaking his head before straddling Puck's lap and wrapping his arms around broad shoulders.

"Kurt," he doesn't get anything else out, Kurt's too busy fusing their mouths together and Puck finds it strange to note that this is the first time he's ever kissed Kurt. He stops thinking enough to just enjoy it, Kurt's lips pressing to his softly at first before he nips on Puck's bottom lip and runs his tongue along them. Kurt's lips are soft, almost like a girls, but they're firm in a way that most girls aren't -confident, sure, aggressive. Puck just gives himself over to it, hands holding to Kurt's hips, pulling him closer as he trails his tongue through Kurt's mouth.

When they separate, mostly because breathing is becoming a bit of a requirement, Kurt presses his forehead to Puck's. "I was worried you'd freaked." It's a whisper, practically just a breath against Puck's lips.

"My shirt's still upstairs, my shoes and wallet and phone too." He doesn't say that he was thinking about it, that he almost did leave, that he would've probably if Kurt hadn't woke up when he did. There's a small blush on Kurt's cheeks as he nods, but he doesn't pull further back or anything.

"I promised you waffles, didn't I."

"You did. I really like waffles." He feels just a little easier, Kurt still wants him there, wants to do the morning-after-breakfast, Kurt panicked when he thought Puck had left.

Surprisingly, sitting in the kitchen while Kurt makes the waffles is relaxing. It's easy to talk, to just flit through conversation pieces, hardly staying on one topic before the next one comes up. Kurt likes videos games just as much as the next guy, he's still not sure if he wants to go into fashion or if Broadway is where his heart lies, Puck's pretty sure Kurt will kill at whatever he does.

The waffles are out just as Finn stumbles downstairs, planting himself at the table with barely a grunt and digging in to his breakfast. It's amusing, the fact that Finn's morning habits haven't changed much in ten years. "And I used to call you a Neanderthal." Kurt throws a look of pure disdain at Finn, who completely misses it, while Puck pours syrup all over his waffles with a small smile.

"Used to? I'm pretty sure you called me that last weekend." Last weekend when they were at Rachel's and Puck ruffled Kurt's hair, there was gasping and shrieking and a lot of name calling. Puck had laughed then, and rather idly wondered just how Kurt could really be that freaking cute.

"Yes, well. Perhaps I won't."

"Yeah you will," Finn muttered around a mouth of waffles. "You just can't help yourself." For a short while, there is companionable silence, each of them just eating their breakfast without speaking. There is a hint of tension around them, and Puck isn't sure if it's because what happened is finally sinking in, or if morning-afters are meant to be this tense way.

"So, I guess we need to discuss this, before it suffocates us." Puck was at least hoping he'd finish his waffles first, but hey, whatever. Kurt places his fork on the plate and looks directly at Puck, Finn shooting anxious little glances between his step-brother and Puck. "Okay, I'll go first then." Since Puck has no intentions on putting his cards on the table until he knows just what Finn and Kurt are getting at here.

He's not that guy, sure, he might want things, but he's not going to let those things get him hurt. He did that with Quinn, and then he spent the summer doing massively stupid stuff until eventually he went too far and ended up in juvie. He's not about to deal with that again. So, even if he does want something here, maybe something more than sex, maybe nothing but sex, well, he's going to let Kurt or Finn open that box of crazy first.

"I had fun," possibly not the best start, Puck can't count how many times he's heard the 'it's been fun, show yourself out' line. "I think that was pretty obvious. Finn and I had discussed a few things before, and, well, I guess I don't want this to just be a one time thing." Puck can't help but glance between Kurt and Finn. Because seriously, they talked about this? It's hard to picture Finn sitting and having a conversation with Kurt about sex nevermind it being a conversation about sex with Puck.

"So, like, you two wanna be a threesome?" He's not sure how it works, really, he's not. Sure he's had the usual fantasy about a threesome -he's a teenage boy, what the hell else would he aspire to? But really, he thought it'd probably end up being with Brit and Satan, not Finn and Kurt. Not that he's complaining.

"Well, we uh, we both sort of," Finn got his blush on, and Puck figures this is a bit of a big deal, "we want you." It would be enough to choke on his waffles if he was still eating.

"It's probably not that big a surprise, I mean about me anyway, maybe Finn wanting you. But it sort of came up during a game of Halo, and really, I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since you, um, comforted me during Rachel's party, and-"

"Slow down and take a breath, Hummel." It's freaking him out just how like Berry and her constant droning on that Kurt can get when he's trying not to be stressed out. "I'm down with whatever, okay?" If they both want him and he's getting sex -and food in the morning it seems- well, he's not going to say no just for the sake of it. And he did get off on last night, and fuck if he isn't just a little too into having Kurt's dick in his mouth.

"You are? That's-" Finn's got a grin on his face and Kurt's just a little stunned, as if he would need to convince Puck or some shit like that. No ones ever had to talk him into sex, no one really needs to convince him that mutual orgasms are a great thing. Like hell he'd turn this down when it was offered.

He's really not surprised that he ends up with a lap full of Kurt, pushed out from the table just enough that Kurt can straddle his thighs and practically own his mouth. He's not sure if he'll get used to just how much Kurt pours into kissing; it's hot and sweet and fucking amazing. This soft touch of lips but firm press of tongue, the way he doesn't give up control easily and is in no way cowed by Puck's need for more. Puck's never really kissed anyone that fought so hard to maintain control -maybe Santana, but she just liked being pushed into giving up. When Kurt rocks his hips into Puck's there's a groan torn from one of them, possible both and breathing becomes important all over again.

"We can be so good, really, we can be so, so good." Kurt's muttered against Puck's lips, both of them gasping for air as they press into each other. It's been a long time since something as simple as frottage got Puck off, a really long time. But the press of Kurt's cock against the line of Puck's erection and the way Kurt's riding his lap, well, Puck's already wondering what it would be like for Kurt to really ride him, to feel all Kurt's soft, tight lines above him. Kurt's hands clench on Puck's shoulders as he bucks into the larger boy and Puck doesn't stop himself getting a handful of Kurt's ass, pulling them tighter against each other. "Oh, Noah."

Kurt shuddered apart in Puck's lap and just the sight of it push Puck to the edge. "Holy shit," but it's Finn's voice, that lust laden tone from last night, that's what really pushes Puck over because, fuck, it's just hit him for real. "You two are seriously the hottest thing." Kurt chuckles against Puck's shoulder where his head is resting, puffing out warm breaths against Puck's throat.

"No shit, Hudson." Puck's pretty sure that Kurt's got a point. They really could be good together.

!glee, +threesome, *kurt hummel, #kurt/puck/finn, *noah puckerman, #kurt/puck, -r, *finn hudson, :season 2, !!sex and waffles

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