GLEE: The Grass is Always Greener

Oct 26, 2011 18:02

Title: The Grass is Always Greener
Chapter: 12/?
Rating: overall NC-17, this chapter PG-13
Characters: Noah 'Puck' Puckerman, Quinn Fabray, ensemble
Pairing: Quinn/Puck
Warnings: Body swap, teen pregnancy
Spoilers: Blanket Season 2
Disclaimer: Not mine. No money. No affiliation.
A/N: from the glee_angst_meme, prompt here
Summary: Somehow, Quinn and Puck somehow end up in each others bodies. It's not as fun as it sounds either. The really horrifying thing? Puck ends up pregnant and seeing how the other half lives. This is not how he wanted to spend his senior year.

Secondary Note: Really, really, really confusing pronouns ahead.

It should be surprising just how drama free Puck and Quinn find their relationship. Rachel and Finn had already broke up and got back together by the time Puck and Quinn hit the one month mark for their ‘dating’, it’s the two and a half month mark for their body swap experience. And it’s disturbingly normal now. Like, Puck finds himself doing this shit second nature, he’s just too used to it now. He’s a total fucking chick and he doesn’t even notice until after the fact and he’s starting to worry that he’ll be doing this shit when he gets his body back. If he gets his body back.

He’s sort of waging a war of wills against Sylvester, to the point where they exchange barbs in the hallway and he’s pretty sure that Sue is over the audacity of it and is just enjoying the verbal sparring, because he caught her smirking once. And school isn’t actually that hard, really. He’s still maintaining Quinn’s grades, and he knows that Quinn’s pulling his up, so maybe when they get back to normal he’ll work to keep that up. He’s only a little aware of how things will change when they do get back to normal, because he’s started to get used to all the abnormal, and maybe him and Quinn work like this because it’s not normal. Because Quinn just lets herself go and maybe that’s all just because she’s the guy this time. Which should be weird.

It’s the control, Puck knows it’s the control. Quinn gets to be the one in charge and that’s what makes it all so much easier for her. She’s the one with the hand on his back, doing the directing, she’s the larger one with the steadying frame, she’s just expected to take the lead because she’s the guy. And Puck wonders if that means he’s naturally meant to just submit or something, because he’s entirely comfortable with letting Quinn do it. With Lauren it was more of a battle of wills and she occasionally forced him into situations where he had to let her take charge and it was a little uncomfortable. But Quinn just makes it utterly natural and Puck doesn’t care. It might be because he has chick parts now, but it’s weird.

And he likes it.

He likes that she drops her arm over his shoulders and almost engulfs him, he likes that she steals kisses and pulls him into her chest and runs her hand through his hair when they kiss. He really likes when she presses him into a wall and fucks him incoherent like she did three days ago on the landing in his house (which was actually Quinn’s house but he’s totally just thinking of it as his now -he’s lived there for two months). The whole thing is just making him wonder about things that he doesn’t want to think about and he’s resolute in not thinking about it.

Whatever this whole thing is about, it’s seriously messing with his head. And possibly his heart a little, because he knew he loved Quinn before, and maybe that had faded a little to just wanting her, but he’s pretty sure he’s full blown in love with her and it’s not really her anymore or something. Because it’s her as him, if that makes any sense at all and he seriously wishes that someone else was in on this whole thing so that he could just rant and rave for a while because Quinn isn’t good at bottling things up.

He’s fine acting at school, he’s gotten really good at playing Quinn and when he slips up everyone just assumes that it’s Puck’s influence, chilling him out. Although his lack feeling towards Louise has actually changed into a dislike for the girl, because she’s some kind of pest that really feels the need to just worm into everything.

He didn’t honestly realise that Louise was interested in Puck until Schue paired her and Quinn up for part of a group routine and then Puck saw it; the way Louise leaned in to Quinn, the way her shirt suddenly lost a button and how her hands totally ran over Quinn’s abs whenever they could. Suddenly, the conversations he’d had with Rach, about how she was surprised that he was so confident in his relationship with Noah that he wasn’t getting jealous or possessive or any of those crazy girl things. Except now, he’s starting to get a little jealous. Because Quinn’s reacting to it. He blames the girl hormones and stuff, but he actually has a minor -okay, moderately minor- freak out in the bathroom at school one afternoon after they did a rehearsal in glee. Louise was dancing with Quinn and Puck was running through steps with Kurt and he couldn’t help but notice that Quinn let her hand linger on Louise’s back. Kurt notices where he’s looking and he gives Puck this pathetically sympathetic look that definitely makes Puck want to punch something -probably Quinn, or Louise.

It’s the way Louise laughs at Quinn, and Quinn just smirks. It’s the way Louise leaves her hand on Quinn’s arm, and Quinn lets her. It’s the fucking that Louise smirks and licks her lips like she’s getting something or about to and Puck hasn’t ever felt that acrid boil of something in his gut ever. Not even when Finn thought he was Beth’s dad and Quinn played along, because back then it was just anger, but this, this is definitely jealousy. He just needs to turn around and walk out to the bathroom and chill for a minute before he even thinks about standing in a room -or the auditorium- with Quinn and Louise.

So he freaks out. Because it was meant to be fake, right? Well it’s not, and it’s fucking obvious from his perspective that Quinn is on the ‘fake’ train while he’s not. It makes sense, he loved her before and she didn’t love him back, did she, so why would she now. The worst thing is that he thought they were fine, but evidently it’s just the sex -it shouldn’t surprise him. So now he needs to break up with her or something, because if he doesn’t she’s just going to fuck someone else or whatever and then Rachel will be forced to take Quinn’s side and hate Noah forever and really, he’s not down with that, because he will get his own body back at some point and he’s not losing everything from it.

He’s just glad he didn’t burst into tears or some shit like that.

Ignoring Quinn for the rest of the day is telling of itself that he’s pissed at her. Because usually they hang around together, usually she’ll walk him to class or at least meet him at his locker, but he makes a point of avoiding all that and not even looking at her. He’s too worried that he will have a really girly moment or something.

The problem is that Quinn knows that Judy works, that she’s not home when he gets home and it means Quinn just comes over after school and walks into the house and then there’s no holding back.

“What the hell is your problem?” It’s not surprising that when they fight they still really go for it, they run hot and cold and while lately, it’s all been good, it’s nothing unusual to rip into each other.

“My problem? You are my problem. You were the one that didn’t want all that bullshit dating thing with people, so we agreed to this, and fine it worked to let out the stress, and yes, you’re still great at sex, so if you want to fuck someone just fucking tell me and we can end this stupid fake relationship and you can bone half of Lima. God knows I have, why don’t you give it a whirl.” Quinn’s voice gets this thready way when she’s worked up, and Puck notices it more because he’s using it. He’s not about to cry, but if they are breaking up he’s sure he can call Rachel and let it out there.

“What are you talking about?”

“Louise. I’m not fucking blind. She’s not my style, but hey, if you want something new just go for it. But at least fucking tell me so that I can do damage control.” He absolutely hates being the responsible one, the one doing the thinking, but Quinn is really getting into the whole ‘being a guy’ thing, as Rachel terms Quinn’s less than thinking clearly moments.

“Jesus, Puck. I’m not having sex with her.” Quinn spits it out, stepping towards him and Puck knows they might not be doing it yet, but Louise would definitely shuck the ‘nice junior girl’ act in a heartbeat if Quinn just winked at her. “You’re getting worked up about this now? After like, a month of it?”

“What?” Okay so Puck’s not overly observant about this stuff, he doesn’t get the whole chick thing just yet; it’s a good thing in his mind, because he’s enough of a chick without understanding them. So Rachel told him about the song that Louise sang, pretty much to Puck the day that Quinn sang to him, and he gets that Louise is under the impression that she’s got enough of a draw to lure Puck in -after Lauren, the consensus seemed to be that Puck would be easy again. But Louise didn’t seem to think that Quinn was competition. Apparently, she lived in a box when she was a Freshman and didn’t know that Quinn and Puck had a baby.

“She’s been flirting with me ever since she joined glee.” Like that makes it okay or something.

“You don’t have to flirt back!” Had Quinn been flirting back since then? He knew that she still flirted with a few girls around school, Rach and San both mentioned how chill he was being over that shit, but really, he’d never actually put any stock in it. Quinn was just flirting, it was just words and compliments and smiles, she wasn’t doing anything. Until Puck saw the hand and the lean and that fucking look and apparently Quinn might actually be that much of a dude. “Okay, this is not about my reputation or any of that shit, but if I want Rachel to even look me in the eye when we get our bodies back, you need to either stop with the bullshit with Louise or fucking end it with me before you fuck her, because cheating is a big no-no with Rach.”

“I’m not cheating, there’s no cheating, I just- God, Puck, I didn’t think you cared.”

“What?” That was definitely a waver in his voice, shit, he’s actually going to cry.

“I thought you didn’t care, she’s been doing it forever and I legit thought you just didn’t care so I just, I seriously just- this seriously bothers you?” Quinn’s right in front of him now, hands on his shoulders and he just nods, because it’s not some fake thing for him.

“I didn’t notice. I just thought- I don’t know, we were doing good and stuff and I didn’t know that she was doing it until today, when I saw you fucking touch her.” Yeah, he’s pretty sure this is what jealousy feels like. Quinn just smirks at him (like seriously, if that had been him, she’d claw his face off for smirking now) and wraps her arms around his waist, pulling him closer. It’s automatic to run his hands up her chest and shoulders to thread his fingers together at the back of her neck, and doing this to his own body really did stop being weird like, ages ago.

“No more, okay? I won’t flirt with her, I won’t flirt with anyone. I seriously just thought you didn’t give a shit.”

“I kinda do.” He doesn’t want to tell her not to flirt with people, because it’s totally part of his nature, but at the same time, he really kind of hates that she does it. “Just, not with Louise, okay? I just sort of hate that girl.” Quinn smirks, leaning down and nudging his head up to kiss him.

“Okay, no more with Louise.” Her hands run down to his ass, slipping under his Cheerio’s skirt to smooth over his spanks. “Does that constitute our first proper fight as a couple?”

“I think so, yeah. I mean, as much as we can have a fight if we’re just pretending to be a couple and stuff.” Chicks are passive aggressive, it seems to be written into the DNA or something.

“It’s not pretending. Is it?” He just shakes his head, because this is bordering on ‘feelings’ and he’s still not good at that, but neither is Quinn so that’s good. “So, our first fight. We should make up.” Her hands find their way up to the zip of her Cheerio top and Puck just smirks because she’s really fond of this making up thing.


“For someone who was literally raging with her boyfriend yesterday, you look awful chipper.” Puck just glares a little at Santana, but ends up laughing because he’s already blushing. “And that is definitely a Puckerman hickey on your neck, it’s a fucking heart. Seriously, you two are just sickening.”

“Oh, shut up.” Puck can’t help but reach up to cover the hickey just below his ear, because Quinn was making a point when she left that -not that she didn’t make a point on the living room floor, or in the shower, or against the bedroom door. The point possibly being that she liked dishing out those orgasms or something.

“You and Noah sorted things out?” Rach looks at him like she’s more invested in their relationship than she is her own, and it’s kinda nice to know she’s rooting for them and all, but it does mean talking relationship stuff all the time.

“Yeah, we’re fine, it was just. I just over reacted.” And Quinn poked until it happened, so, they were even or something. “Everything is fine.”

“Oh my god, how much sex are you guys having?” Avery sits down beside them at that and stares at her girlfriend.

“Are we talking about straight sex again?”

“No, Ave, we aren’t, because there is nothing to discuss, San.” Santana just flips him off, smiling at Avery while they find another topic to discuss until Avery heads off to catch her brother between classes.

“Have you noticed how we appear to have garnered an attention solely for our relationships this year?” Puck raises his eyebrow at Rachel, because seriously, what did she expect?

“Um, Rach, you and I are dating two of the football teams best players, San is with a fellow Cheerio. We’re sort of high profile couples.” Rach knocked a carrot over with her stick of celery before sighing.

“Don’t take this the wrong way, because I’m happy for both of you, but the power couple war isn’t Finchel versus Quick versus Savery.” Honestly, San and Ave’s portmanteau was kind of catchy. It was probably Puck’s favourite out of their group. “It’s just Quick versus Savery and you two aren’t even bothered by it so why Jacob Ben Israel keeps trying to make it into something, I don’t understand. But Finn and I, we’re just, it’s just.”

“You’re done.” Puck has been telling Rachel this for over a month. Apparently, San agrees.

“Rach, here’s the thing. Finn Hudson is small time, small mind, and I know we’ve had our differences, but babe, you gotta get yourself something better. Cause Finn ain’t your boy. He’s just some dorky pre-epic romance that you’ve been warming up with. God, even Jesse was better for you than that dork. At least St Shitface understood your dreams.” Puck’s still not sure how Santana and Rachel managed to put everything behind them, but it seems like it was easy to just move past it all.

“Maybe you just don’t belong with a high school boy, Rach. And I’m not encouraging you to develop another inappropriate crush on Mr Schue, because with your animal sweaters and his vests, the world doesn’t that much tragedy in one wardrobe,” seriously, too much time working with Hummel in French, “but maybe Lima isn’t where you’re going to find this soulmate of yours.”

“Yeah, what Q said.” By the end of the day, Finchel is officially over and Rach isn’t crying. It’s a little scary, because honestly Puck never really believed she’d do it.

“Rachel broke up with Finn?” Quinn is just as surprised as everyone.

“Yeah, San said something about small time and sharing dreams, and I sort of, might’ve suggested that she wasn’t meant to find her match here in Lima or something. She did what she does best and jumped in, both feet first.” The news explodes around school and Puck half hopes that Finn being on the market will mean that Louise stops trying to get in Quinn’s pants and focus some attention on Finn -because Finn is the one that everyone wants, right? So she’ll jump from ‘Puck’ to Finn easily, right?

“You wanna come over tonight? Ruth’s working and Sarah’s away for a sleep over.”

“I would, but Judy’s caught a bug or something, she’s a little pathetic.” And Puck was pretty good at taking care of sick people, or just people who were needy, or just whatever. He spent the weekend holding Judy’s hair from her face as she vomited, filling up hot water bottles for her and running baths for her to try and relax in. So it makes sense, to Puck, midway through the following week when he’s upchucking into the toilet in the middle of the school day.

“You look terrible.” San comes out with it as Puck sits down in the choir room, the rest of the club shuffling away from him.

“Mom got me sick.” Rach is almost instantly there with a handful of damp paper towels, patting at his forehead and neck and rubbing his back. “I feel disgusting.”

“You look it, but hey, that’s not out of the ordinary.” Even sick, Puck knows that the patented Fabray Glare can cut grown men down, so he’s not surprised that Louise looks contrite when he directs it towards her.

“C’mon baby,” Quinn takes his hands, pulling him out of the seat and Puck just wants to sit down and not move, “I’m taking you home and putting you to bed.” San chuckles something and Puck doesn’t catch it, but Quinn definitely throws a glare at her as she wraps an arm around his shoulders and Puck doesn’t bother not snuggling into Quinn’s chest.

“But I’m all yuck.”

“I know, a shower’ll fix that and then you can sleep, okay?” It sounds pretty good, so he just lets Quinn tug him out of glee and down the hall and out to the truck to take him home. He’s definitely using the whole ‘I’m ill’ thing to get Quinn to cuddle some.

Part Thirteen

-pg 13, #quinn/puck, !glee, *judy fabray, :post season 2, *rachel berry, *ensemble, *noah puckerman, *santana lopez, *quinn fabray, ..multichapter, !!grass is greener, +body swap

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