Title: The Magical Force of Bang Cheolyong [3/5]
Pairing: JooMi, Random Noona x Joon (No worries JooMi fans...just wait~)
Rating: PG
Genre: Ever so slight angst, comedy and love
Notes: I wrote this a while ago, so sorry if it's bad :(
Summary: Mir confesses to Joon, and Joon rejects him. He claims to be straight since he even has a girlfriend, but the Magical Forces have another plan....
I had to drag myself up to the dorm, while Mir followed not far behind. Why did my perfect escape Mir plan have to backfire!? This is not my day. I'm actually starting to feel ill, maybe I do need that rest afterall.
I eventually reached 'our' room, I quickened my pace a little so I could rush and get changed first. Hurriedly I pulled off my clothes, grabbing for the first wearable pajamas I could find. I didn't have long left and I didn't want to be caught by Mir. Not that it would matter, he's already seen me...But I still had the get changed quick. Top, on! Underwear...where was my underwear? Rushing round the room covering up with a T-shirt I desperately searched for some underwear. No no no no! This really was not my day, and just when I thought it couldn't get worse...
"Joon...?" Mir was at the door, staring at me and my exposed behind. Just fantastic! It's almost like some great power is trying to ruin me forever...Just why? Why can't this 'force' understand I only like girls, I have no feelings for Mir okay 'Magical Force'? I wanted to crawl in a hole at that moment...I still stood there, Mir staring. I felt my face burn in embarassment, my face seemed to be doing that a lot. I coughed to snap Mir out of his 'daze' to spare either of us more embarrassment! His head jerked away and he coughed himself before muttering something like 'I'll just go now...'. Thank god he was going, I felt really weird after that. But before he might try and come back I had to find my underwear!
Once I finally found the allusive underwear - that were actually in my drawer... - I finished getting changed and climbed into my bed ready to get away from the hell of a day I'd had. Just as I was about to drift away into a land of no 'Magic Force' there was a knock at the door, it was Seungho. "Joon?" He called out. I rolled over to face him. Seungho walked up beside my bed and knelt down to be level with me.
"Are you okay?" He asked me, yet again. He lifted his hand to my forehead and frowned. "You've got a bit of a fever...get some rest and Mir will come through with some food for you later okay?" I just nodded weakly, I couldn't take anymore of this! I didn't want to be woken up to be fed by someone that likes me, although being fed sounded nice...but whatever.
He left and I finally got to sleep, but not even in my dreams could I escape.
"Mir?" I said, he turned around to look at me."Is it true you like me?" I asked him grinning. He looked up at me and smiled back saying "Yes." I leant in close to him, still smiling "I lik-"
The 'Magic Forces' are in my dreams too...I didn't want to dream that. Why can't I escape? There was another knock at the door. It was Mir. Even though I didn't answer him, being to busy thinking of the annoying 'Magic Force' and it's influence over me, he came in the room and brought me some soup.
"Hyung? Here's your soup!" He sounded almost like normal, I appreciated the effort a lot, considering the day I'd had. He came over with the tray and sat on the end of the bed. "You'll have to sit up if you want it. I don't want to spill it on you!" He smiled at me like the usual Mir, it must be hard for him...Anyway, still feeling ill and not up to protesting, I sat up as instructed. He lifted the spoon to my face and laughed "You still have to open your mouth~" It made me laugh too, it felt like old times and I liked it like that! I smiled and exaggeratedly opened my mouth, still half smiling.
Mir continued to feed me and we managed to joke along the way, I was actually having fun! Not because I was being fed though...I never noticed before how cute Mir's smile was either...So many strange things have happened today. I hope we can be close friends again, I miss that closeness...the closeness of being like brothers right?
About 10 minutes later the soup was finished and Mir went to leave, I couldn't help feeling a little sad for some reason. So I did a stupid thing. "Mir?" He turned around again, " Will you stay? I don't like being here on my own." I could see the surprise spread across his face, like he really didn't expect that. But he still managed to smile and say "Okay Hyung!" as he made his way back over. We chatted for a while and then curiosity got the better of me...
"Mir, how long have you liked me for?" He froze, and stared at me. He clearly thought I had forgotten because I wasn't well, but it was the opposite since I was ill because of it in the first place! He took a deep breath and looked me in the eye like when he first confessed.
"Since we met."...