Title: Jones
jooles34 Characters: Ianto, Gwen
Rating: PG
Words: 100
Prompt: Written for
tw_unpaired prompt Gwen and Ianto have to pose as a married couple for a case and end up getting the honeymoon suite in a classy hotel out of the deal. How do they spend their (non-sexy) (totally platonic) weekend of being married on the case?
Discalaimer: Nope, don't own Torchwood
AN: Okay, it doesn't fulfil the whole prompt but was the first thing that appeared in my mind when I saw it weeks ago.
“You booked us the honeymoon suite?” Gwen grinned at Ianto as they walked through the hotel.
“We get on too well for anything other than newly weds.”
Gwen gave him a friendly punch.
“Oi you, no anti-marriage jokes thanks.”
Ianto grinned back and stopped outside a door.
“Well, here’s our room Mrs Jones.”
“Mrs Jones? God, you spend your whole life growing up in Wales, thankful you’re not a bloody Jones; make sure you don’t marry a bloody Jones; and what happens? You end up a bloody Jones anyway!”
She looked at the slightly startled Ianto. “Um. No offence, sweetheart.”