Title: The Doctor is In
Fandon: Torchwood
Characters/Pairings: Owen/?
Rating/Warning: PG
Word coiunt: 123
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own Torchwood
AN: A very random silly thing that popped into my head after a daft exchange with
owensheart. Irrational worrying soothed by
emyrldlady Owen grinned as the request came through his ear piece. It was unexpected, but certainly not unwelcomed.
He happily pulled himself away from his microscope and snapped off his soiled gloves. His grin became a definite smirk as he plucked a pair of clean gloves from the box and stuffed them into the pocket of his white coat.
Standing he made sure his stethoscope was safely in the other pocket and with the air of someone with nothing to hide he made his way out of the main Hub.
Opening the door he had been directed to he tried to school his face into a serious expression, but there was no hiding the twinkle in his eyes.
“Tell Doctor Harper where is hurts...”