A Lover's Flame

Jul 21, 2010 15:00

Title: A Lover's Flame
Characters: Tosh
Word count: 100
Challenge: tw100 prompt: Random title generator. Title generated "The Flame's Female"
Rating/Warning: PG
Spoilers: Set after Greek's Bearing Gifts so a smidge spoilery for that.

She remembered the feeling of her hands on her body. They felt so different to the hands of a man. The touch was lighter, more delicate; ghosting over her skin but leaving a trail of burning heat like she had been brushed by a flame. No man had ever quite done that.

But maybe she felt different to the hands of a woman too. After all, it had only been an illusion of a woman. Maybe that was what had felt so different, what had caused the fire. Alien flame or woman’s?

There was just one way to find out.

toshiko sato, fanfic, drabble, torchwood

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