Jon nominated for a Moby award!

May 21, 2010 19:03

Best Cameo in a Book Trailer:
Jon Stewart in I Am a Genius of Unspeakable Evil…
Jonathan Safran Foer’s Grandmother in Eating Animals
He is Legend’s Schyler Croom in High Before Homeroom
Deepak Chopra in The Karma Club
Zach Galifinakis in Lowboy.

Read more: The 2010 Moby Award Finalists for Best and Worst Book Trailers | Daemon's Books

Source: http://www.Read more... )

awards, jon mention, news, articles

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Comments 4

cryptic_arcane May 21 2010, 18:27:18 UTC
That book has been on my "to buy list" for so long... but I don't have extra cash! :(

And I'm super excited for Earth (The Book)!!! God. They even have a book cover up on Amazon now. And Jon will be headlining the breakfast on BookExpo on Thursday, I hope we'll hear reports from that.


iamashamed May 21 2010, 18:35:59 UTC
Me neither tbh. I just spent a lot of money on a Gaga concert :O

Oh my God ME TOO! So much so! It is going to be fantastic. Oh that's right! I'll pray that we will, I wasn't here when America(the book) peaked, so I'm glad I'll be here when this one comes out! :D<3


alivemagdolene May 22 2010, 01:45:30 UTC
I can just imagine the jokes the TDS staff will come up with if he wins! XD HE MUST WIN!


nestyanyan May 22 2010, 10:50:47 UTC
He's so cute in that video. btw, cool website!


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