Between the worlds

Oct 31, 2009 21:01

So, in the interest of my ongoing efforts to write about who I really am in this journal I am going to talk about "the other side" of working with Eleusyve. They say on Samhain that the veil between the worlds is thin, so I am going to let folks look through.

This is where I make an effort to get real. )

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Comments 10

suddenlynaked November 1 2009, 06:28:19 UTC
Very well said - I know much of what you speak. It's rough time right now too - not much extra money floating around in the world, but stick with your audience. If you build it they will come but right now a lot of people are struggling. We're doing the same thing (while trying to expand our audience - yes we're fools!) and donations are coming way slow this time around.

We've changed the music, had some interesting rumors float around and I got a bit lazy with not going to parties and constantly selling. And got burned out on the small band shows. So I hear ya.

And yep - every note that comes from someone enjoying the work is what makes it worthwhile. At least for me.

As for the critrics the Hedgehog in the Book Of Merlin says it: ""Teak no thought fer them bougers, us do say. Leave 'un for argify thyselves into thy hystericks, that'll plase 'un. Come take a peck o' air wit ter humble mun and have thy pleasure of the sky."


Very true. jonah777 November 2 2009, 18:09:17 UTC
Thanks for the quote. I had to read it three times to figure it out (grin).

Yes, it is not a fun time to be an artist. Most aspects of culture are possible because a society has developed to the point where there is free time and resources to devote to the arts and sciences. As soon as resources get scarce, people slip into survival mode and culture stops developing.

That's what the dark ages really are.

Some art and science are still developed during a dark age, but it is commissioned and controlled by the small handful who still have wealth and power, and so it tends to look more like propaganda.

All too familiar.

But, we'll push on as long as we can :)



lucretiasheart November 1 2009, 13:26:53 UTC
I have always admired the courage and creativity you show in your performances. I think its wonderful that some people are still around willing to DARE as you are and your fellow performers.

Don't stop. The world is more colorful and dazzling for your efforts! =^)


Thank you. jonah777 November 2 2009, 18:12:16 UTC
Clearly I go fishing for people to say nice things, especially when I really feel the need to hear them.

And you were kind enough to do so, and I am most grateful. Thank you for playing along.

We'll keep going as long as we are able, with the hope that we can see it through to the end.

Now I have one more reason to smile while I do it.

All the best, Jon


ignusfaatus November 2 2009, 11:02:44 UTC
My opinion is this:
The audience can not understand the value of the rite - even if they DO understand Crowley's intent. This is because the real magic happens for the participants - not so much the observer.
I don't know of one participant in the ROV who did not have their life transformed.
i was thinking why not take these rites and offer them as working retreats ... like retreats that buddhists go to. Maybe even work some of crowley's other excersizes into the days events?
It would be more sustainable financially to have people PAY to participate, it might generate MORE interest in Crowley's work (as this becomes more participant oriented when soliticiting for people to particiapte rather than watch)
it just seems right


Ooo...good idea. jonah777 November 2 2009, 18:15:08 UTC
Thank you!

I like good ideas. This has some very good ideas in it!

Don't be surprised if I modify this suggestions and run with it.

I thank you for your help on Venus, it would not have been the same without you.



m7o7n7k November 2 2009, 15:31:29 UTC
What? Trying to make the world a better place through art, hard work, spirituality? FOOLS! Why, why,... you are no better than Ghandi, Moses, or Martin Luther! Give it up!

Jon - on a more serious note - you rock (literaly and figuratively)! Keep doing what you are doing! The universe will find a way to make it happen!


Ghandi, Moses or Martin Luther? jonah777 November 2 2009, 18:20:30 UTC
Thank you, Monk.

But really? Ghandi, Moses or Martin Luther?

Dude, I am not liberating a people, at least not directly. If sharing Thelema through art is liberating people, then maybe, but it's a stretch.

I am more a court jester than a King, and that works for me!

Thank you for that, it made me laugh heartily.

And we will continue so long as we can, with the hope that we can make people laugh and think in the process.

93's, Jon


omni_videns November 2 2009, 18:17:43 UTC
As someone who experienced immense personal change (for the better!) in being a part of RoL and RoV, I can only say "keep it up"!

These are awesome productions and I have loved being a part of them.


How could we not keep going? jonah777 November 2 2009, 18:22:10 UTC
With support from people like you, it's not like we can stop.

Thank you for all of your help, and continued support :)



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