I'm almost 99.9% sure that Nathan's not dead. Nine times out of ten, people who have their lives endangered in cliffhangers don't actually die when the show comes back. Technically, they left Niki ambiguous too, but I think she's dead and likely to stay dead, whereas Nathan's in a position to be helped.
Plus, you know, it might give Claire some excuse to bond with her Bio-Dad, which would be really painful, considering it probably is HRG who shot him.
I hope your right. I think they'd have to be mighty stupid to kill Nathan to be fair. 'Spose it will be 10 eps into volume 3 before he comes back though!!
I think it will be very interesting if it was HRG who shot him.. give Clair and her family some new cool stuff to do and Id like to see the Claire/Nathan relationship more explored. Gawd though, whoever shot Nathan, Peter is so gonna kill you!!
I think Nikki is dead too. I dont think even a hero can come back from being blown up.. shouldnt speak to soon I guess but I doubt it anyway. Poor Micah.
I think Nikki is dead too. I dont think even a hero can come back from being blown up..
Unless you're Adam.
I'm still holding out for the whole "Oh-BTW-Adam-Might-Be-Nathan's-Father" thing to be true, which would have no excuse to come up (in theory) unless Nathan was still alive. It's not the first crazy crack theory I've had this season, and all the ones I had previously actually happened.
I assume Claire and Peter can survive being blown up to TBH - I guess I mean the non-regenerative Heroes!!
I spent the whole of the first season CERTAIN that Linderman was Nathan'd Dad and that somehow Peter and Nthan weren't actually brothers. I still wonder that sometimes.. Adam being his Dad though, now that would be cool.
I really hope evil bitch ma petrelli dies in volume 3 - oh please! Killing your own son!! GRRR! (Unless he isnt her son ofcourse!! Hmmm!)
I LOVED Nathan this series and there is no way he is dead, He can't be! - I am sure that Peter will do something to sort it, I mean the reason he wanted to help Adam so much was because of a girl he hearly knew - so his brother is like so much more important!!!!
Comments 7
Plus, you know, it might give Claire some excuse to bond with her Bio-Dad, which would be really painful, considering it probably is HRG who shot him.
I think it will be very interesting if it was HRG who shot him.. give Clair and her family some new cool stuff to do and Id like to see the Claire/Nathan relationship more explored. Gawd though, whoever shot Nathan, Peter is so gonna kill you!!
I think Nikki is dead too. I dont think even a hero can come back from being blown up.. shouldnt speak to soon I guess but I doubt it anyway. Poor Micah.
Unless you're Adam.
I'm still holding out for the whole "Oh-BTW-Adam-Might-Be-Nathan's-Father" thing to be true, which would have no excuse to come up (in theory) unless Nathan was still alive. It's not the first crazy crack theory I've had this season, and all the ones I had previously actually happened.
I spent the whole of the first season CERTAIN that Linderman was Nathan'd Dad and that somehow Peter and Nthan weren't actually brothers. I still wonder that sometimes.. Adam being his Dad though, now that would be cool.
I really hope evil bitch ma petrelli dies in volume 3 - oh please! Killing your own son!! GRRR! (Unless he isnt her son ofcourse!! Hmmm!)
I LOVED Nathan this series and there is no way he is dead, He can't be! - I am sure that Peter will do something to sort it, I mean the reason he wanted to help Adam so much was because of a girl he hearly knew - so his brother is like so much more important!!!!
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