Title: A Bitter Pill to Swallow (Pt 2)
Authors: KL & Rachel
Summary: When the Joker discovers he failed in killing Rachel Dawes, he engages her in a battle of wits that forces her to see herself in her true form.
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue
When the Joker brought the red-tinted blade to his torn lips, Rachel winced when she realized his mouth was colored from where he’d forgotten to wipe away blood - HER blood )
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I know, I'm excited...I can't believe I never thought to ask for one before, but my mom said "it's already been taken care of". w00t w00t! lol I was thinking of the scene where Rachel wakes up and finds herself in J's arms. That just really struck me for some reason...so cute and serene, for a change. xP
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