Title: Animals Fandom: 28 Days Later Pairing: Henry West/Jim Rating: M Summary: Jim was Prometheus- becoming whole each day only to be torn apart again. Warnings: Why bother with euphemisms? This contains rape.
Oh that rocked! I say, is there anything I love that you don't? 28 Days Later! I suppose because of the delicious Cillian Murphy. And who doesn't think zombies (or rage-impaired beings in this case) are awesome! Nicely done!
btw I've been gone for awhile but I'm loving the new userpic and the previous post with the Joker stuff!
Comments 3
Nicely done!
btw I've been gone for awhile but I'm loving the new userpic and the previous post with the Joker stuff!
I say, is there anything I love that you don't?
I'm beginning to wonder that, too! :P
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