Second Chance

Apr 20, 2008 00:01

Title: Second Chance

Fandom: Queer as Folk

Characters: Brian & Justin

Summary: 2.20
..."I don't want to go, don't you understand? I don't want him to give me what you can't. I want you to give me what you think you can't give me."

Disclaimer: Yes, they are mine, don't you know?

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Comments 24

sexy_pumpkin April 22 2008, 03:54:43 UTC
So beautiful, I bet this is the last chp right?? I need to start at the beginning lol, where can I find all your fics, loved this so much,,as IF only, I hated Ethan,,hugs Sexy P.xx


jojothecr April 22 2008, 11:26:39 UTC
Actually, this is just one-shot. You can find all my fics here:

Oh yeah, Ian, I'd like to know somebody who likes him (but Justin)... I definitely don't.

Thank you much! :)


starlightbj April 22 2008, 09:08:27 UTC
I love your writing style. I could really feel their confusion and anger and fears.

I wish you were writing lots of QAF fics because I love the ones I've read so far. :)


jojothecr April 22 2008, 11:31:22 UTC
Thank you so much!

I'd like to write more, really, but my Muse is on a very, very long vacation :(


eva213 April 22 2008, 10:25:22 UTC
Vidíš, vidíš, jaký hezký plots bych ti mohla dodávat, a ty už nic. Waůůůů, já ti samozřejmě už odpustila, ono taky není co odpouštět, ale bude mi to moc chybět. :-)) Moc. Hrozně ráda čtu, jak ti to každej chválí, protože ty jsi fakt moc dobrá.


jojothecr April 22 2008, 11:37:02 UTC
Já vím, že ty jsi bezedná studna plots... (chtěla jsem napsat "plotů", ale to znělo hodně blbě :D )

Jsem fakt ráda, že se nezlobíš. Ono totiž ani z tý druhý strany, tedy tý mojí, to není příjemnej pocit, když víš, že chceš něco psát, protože lidem se to líbí, ale prostě to nejde. Nápady nepříchází, slova se ztrácí napůl cesty... Prostě díra. Chaos. To jo, pochvala se čte moc hezky, i mě :)

Ještě jednou díky!


spike7451 April 22 2008, 15:17:07 UTC
Oh, how I wish this was how it had gone in canon. Brilliant fic, a pleasure to read.


jojothecr July 11 2008, 14:48:14 UTC
I can't believe I've forgotten to reply on your comment! *slaps a forehead* How awful of me!

I know I am very, very late... But thank you much!

*off to hide in shame*


blonddemon July 27 2008, 18:18:08 UTC
This is beautiful and it is making me cry tears of joy. If only this were the way it were on the show, it would be so much more satisfying and meaningful. Brian's emotions run deep, and he loves Justin very much, although he cannot admit that even to himself. Your version has Brian "saving face" and still showing Justin his true feelings and giving him what he needs. Then Justin would stay where he belongs and really wants to be.


jojothecr July 27 2008, 23:07:25 UTC
It might be scary to admit, even to yourself, that you love somebody. Especially for someone like Brian...

Thank you much!


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