I know. I was depressed when I was writing it. I mean, I was depressed and that's why I wrote it.
But good in a completely masochistic way, you know? I think I do. ;)
edit: Wrong icon. And, btw, I tried to change the icon and use the one I chose for this entry, instead there twice jumped icon called J2(love) - so there you have it. ;)
I know writing is not just for us, that it's for you too. And I'm happy you're the kind of a writer that doesn't stick to just one way and that you try different approach. Just... I'm not going to read those really angsty stories, ok hun? ♥ I can't really enjoy them that much.
Tahle písnička je snad moje nej od Placeba, protože je pro mě velmi osobní. Takže si dovedu docela dobře představit obsah fikce, i když ji číst nebudu. Ale tak to holt občas v životě chodí. Bohužel....
Je to rozhodně jedna z nej nej. Mně se hlavně líbí ten kousek, co jsem použila jako nadpis. Nevím, jak moc trefná je ta fikce, ale moc se jim nelíbí. Nemá happy ending. Podle mně ale, jak si řekla, život je takovej...
This is wrong but sooo good... I don't know if you catch me... And it's only... what? Less than 24 hours before Jensen will say YES!!!!! OMG, I can't thing about that in this moment....
And it's only... what? Less than 24 hours before Jensen will say YES!!!!! Oh Gosh, don't say that please!!! *sniff* Don't take me wrong, I want him to be happy, I really really do, but... you know. Once you go to the dark side, there's no going back. There's just some reality I don't like.
Comments 51
But good in a completely masochistic way, you know?
But good in a completely masochistic way, you know?
I think I do. ;)
edit: Wrong icon. And, btw, I tried to change the icon and use the one I chose for this entry, instead there twice jumped icon called J2(love) - so there you have it. ;)
But I did, because it's yours...
And this is why I don't read unhappy fics. They make me terribly, terribly sad.
I know that J2 deserve happy endings, but sometimes I just feel like writing something 'more real'.
And remember, it's just a fic. ;)
Just... I'm not going to read those really angsty stories, ok hun? ♥ I can't really enjoy them that much.
I'll try to write some more happy J2 fics in the future. :)
Takže si dovedu docela dobře představit obsah fikce, i když ji číst nebudu. Ale tak to holt občas v životě chodí. Bohužel....
Nevím, jak moc trefná je ta fikce, ale moc se jim nelíbí. Nemá happy ending. Podle mně ale, jak si řekla, život je takovej...
But this was great, really.
Oh Gosh, don't say that please!!! *sniff* Don't take me wrong, I want him to be happy, I really really do, but... you know. Once you go to the dark side, there's no going back. There's just some reality I don't like.
Thank you! :)
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