just call me dreadless mc-gee.

Apr 17, 2006 22:05

achtung! :: if you're seeing this post, you are not currently in attendence at brandeis and therefore you are sworn to super-secrecy as the following photos are for your eyes only, so that i can make a sneakysneaky grand en-trance in a week 'pon my return to school. (unlocked on 4/28)

you see on saturday (4/15), i cut my dreadlocks off.

*gasp* yep. i never ever thought i'd see the day i'd be making such a post, but here we are. i thought about it and freaked out about it muchly beforehand, and i've never felt prettier in my life, by golly. thanks so much for all the support i've received in my 6 years of dreadery, much of it coming from you fine folk. in fact, if you've only known me on lj or since 2002 (when i got this here journal), you've never known me any other way. so it's been a blast, and this may be my last or near to it post in this livejournal as with this transition i'm going to be moving activity elsewhere. so stay tuned. and now ~ pictures.

*be-fore (from my one-last-huzzah-with-the-hair shoot that you'll be seeing much more from, some were with me only wearing ze locks in the woods! scandale!)

*and af-ter (my twenties are going to be everso 1920's, i prophecize)


a prior profile

after a performance of macbeth, still sulking aboot in my Hecate makeup

the first ever picture of m'doo, taken on my sister's dee-lightful camera phone. i have a neck?! my dad said i looked (en francais) 'gamin' so either i'm audrey hepburn-esque or a street urchin according to my powerbook's dictionary. ha. and uh, ne'ermind the faux lashes.

the SECOND ever picture of the haircut (yay the mall, omg)

with my notebook nut-house-wifey friend...Betty.

the hair and overdone eyes are what i did for my new license photo and international student ID card, both that i got to-day. the earrings were a gift on saturdy from the mum, and the shirt is part of my new cabaret girl repetoire. my dad said i looked like Sally Bowles with the natural spitcurls on my forehead to-day.

the short answer to some inevitible questions are as follows...
6 years is a long time to be one thing, and i outgrew the dreads a year ago but was in denial because of fear of change until this semester when it's began consciously bothering me. they were getting truly truly uncomfortable in length and nearly impossible to fix in a way that wouldn't have felt damaging to their 3 foot glory. i could go on about the rituals of maintenance that were getting recockulous, but i won't.

i've seen lots of people, online, on the telly and in my life lop their hair and locks lately and it tantalized me, it did. i've had many people in my life rock short hair and it's always been so encouraging, so i thank many of you for sharing that strength in the everyday.

shallow stuff? i've been dressing foppish as well as like a 20's or 50's lady ironically for a while. and i don't want it to be ironic anymore. i want to look like a full on graceful blast from the past and i'm ready to do that. i'm ready to feel that i can be pretty by "standard" standards and don't have to be freakish to look enticing. i know i still look muppety and young, and perhaps slightly androgynous, so i'm friggin' psyched that my life can be even more of a flexible masquerade than before. (i can even wear my over the top hippy shit and it won't look redundant anymore with dreads atop it all!) other bullshit includes the sad fact that i don't want to date anymore unintelligent hippies, and my spectrum of hairstyle personality before was limited to rasta or a drug dealer when it was down, and a victorian grandmum when it was up. i don't mind the latter, but you know, that's not enough options for me. maybe that dichotemy is a bit of an exxageration, but...i've never deeply enjoyed the attention i got in public all these years. and in TWO DAYS i've had really great and more profound interactions with strangers in public than ever before! i even have been flirted with by hot indie guys! yay!

ok i'm done. if anyone wants to talk about it. because i know the life of my scalp is so fascinating, drop me an email. thanks for peeking, and if you bothered reading, i'm touched.

lovelove mlle. jml

p.s. this is my naturally jew-fro-tastic curlycurlycurly thick dark hair i'm rockin' now. hence texture-wise how easily it dreaded. ay-yup.


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