Ehehehehe yes. Tho your Suho is much more devious and confident than real-life Suho, bless his embarrassed derpy little heart. I very much look forward to the next part >:3 I looove Suho/Chen! Can't waait~
Well I read a fic once and they said that Suho and Joonmyeon were like two different personalities. One was sweet and gentle and the other was a hellcat. And that stuck with me and I knew I wanted a good reason for Suho to be the opposite personality so I'm using that :D He's not really as hardcore as he seemed here, I promise. It will all change the more Chen gets his little fangs in him ;)
Oh man lulu an xing were adorable!!!! Chanyeol we love you but you aren't the man xing wants.
Oh man oh man I can't even leave a proper comment ok just....UGHHHH and then Kai coming in and screw me SUHO AND CHEN DAMMIT CHEN YOUR SCENT ALL OVER HIM IT HASNT EVEN BEEN A DAMN DAY YOUVE ALREADY CLAIMED EACH OTHER!!!! This is so cute til it hurts my spleen.
Layhan is my EXO otp I love them sooo muchhhh! Sometimes I ship them as brotp but then I see them playing with each other and YES LUHAN YES FOREPLAY IS THE BEST GET IT BB
/froths at the mouth UNNGHHH. This is so good. The anticipation is killing me. I'd love to see what happens to the new pack members (especially between Suho and Chen). Kris is gonna need a bigger stash of drink in his drawer it seems.
Comments 31
He's not really as hardcore as he seemed here, I promise. It will all change the more Chen gets his little fangs in him ;)
Oh man lulu an xing were adorable!!!! Chanyeol we love you but you aren't the man xing wants.
Oh man oh man I can't even leave a proper comment ok just....UGHHHH and then Kai coming in and screw me SUHO AND CHEN DAMMIT CHEN YOUR SCENT ALL OVER HIM IT HASNT EVEN BEEN A DAMN DAY YOUVE ALREADY CLAIMED EACH OTHER!!!! This is so cute til it hurts my spleen.
<333 love you JoJo.
Also totally not going through all the layhan I can find.
Suho and Chen LOL...Kris rolling his eyes
Kai is rooming with Tao...well well well
UNNGHHH. This is so good. The anticipation is killing me. I'd love to see what happens to the new pack members (especially between Suho and Chen). Kris is gonna need a bigger stash of drink in his drawer it seems.
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