urbanog.com Spree #1 ARRIVED

Apr 01, 2008 18:04

1. Do Not Exceed capped amount. (Money transferred after capped amount is reached will only be refunded at the end of the spree)

2. Orders will be taken based on who made payment first. No payment = No order

3. Please pay by IB only. Please use your lj nick when making IB payment.

4. Strictly no inter-bank transfers (Money transferred via inter-bank will only be refunded at the end of the spree)

5. Please check if the item is available or not by adding it into cart.

6. Please delete and repost if you need to make any changes

7. Refunds will only be done at the end of the spree unless your entire order is cancelled/OOS.

8. Updates will be done on this spree page and emails.

9. Please do not blame me if:

- the order get cancelled by the merchant

- merchant sent wrong or defected items. I will not bear the cost of returning the item.

- order get lost in transit

- any other problems that occurred beyond my control


Website: www.urbanog.com

Capped at: USD170 or 02/04/08 8pm (Whichever occur earlier) [Will cancel if respond is not good]

Email: rongie@gmail.com

Account details: POSB Savings 043-15505-9 (IB payment ONLY, please use LJ nick during transfer.)

Distribution of items:

Meetups at Novena MRT because I am not able to wrap so many pairs of shoes.

Shipping details: Free ship to Vpost. Vpost to me.
Vpost charges will be calculated based on item units. $3 will be collected for initial shipping charges. Top-ups will be collected when items arrived.

Units Guideline

1.0 unit - Flats and sandals

1.5 units - Heels/pumps

2.0 units - Wedges


Format of order:

LJ Nick / Name:
Account Type and No: (Please state it unless you do not wish to be refunded)

Item 1:
Url: (Please make sure its the right link. I will order based on this link)
Qty: 1 (Please post it as item 2 and so on if you want more than 1 qty)
Price in USD:
Alternative if OOS: (Same price / DNB)

Item 2:
Url: (Please make sure its the right link. I will order based on this link)
Qty: 1 (Please post it as item 2 and so on if you want more than 1 qty)
Price in USD:
Alternative if OOS: (Same price / DNB)

Total number of items:

Total amount in USD:

Total in SGD: (Total amount in USD X 1.44) + (Total number of items X $3) = SGD$

Transaction Reference:


joinspree feedback: [+0/0/-0]
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