Challenge 54 Allies

Oct 15, 2011 15:37

# You may submit up to 5 (five) icons. Voting will include a Best Negative Space and Best Color in addition to the Top Three icons.
# Use only the images provided.
#John Sheppard must be the focus of the icon. Preferably, no other image should be included in the icons, unless the special vote is for John Sheppard + another character. If another image is included, it must have less emphasis than Sheppard.
# Submit your icons as a reply to this entry, both the image and URL. Comments will be screened.
# Must be original icons made for this challenge.
# Must meet lj standards: 100x100 px and 40kb maximum.
# GIF, PNG or JPG formats only.
# No animation allowed.
# Don't post your icons anywhere else until winners have been announced and don't tell anyone which icons are yours.
# Challenge will end on Saturday October 22, 3:00 PM (-5 GMT)

episode: allies, challenge 54

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