Title: What you do when you are called
Fandom: Boondock Saints
Pairing: Murphy/Connor (hence incest/twincest - if you're squicked by that, then don’t read!)
Rating: R (for bro!yay sexy times)
Word Count: 2600
Disclaimer: Not mine, not for profit, etc.
Summary: Connor was in the shower, scrubbing the blood off his body and watching as it went down
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Comments 23
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I love your icon btw! It's awesome - as is that deleted scene. It's just so hot, mmmmmmm!
Um, yeah. I love it.
I tried, pretty hard at first, to feel fucked up about liking twincest and brothercest, but maybe I'm beyond fucked up, 'cause I really really like it. It just adds a whole new dynamic to the relationship that's open to exploring.
So, yeah. Loved this. It was dreamy and conscious and sweet and other stuff I have no business talking about 'cause I don't know the right words. So there. ♥
I had an action-packed dream that The Winchester Boys got wind of an unknown entity in England, went to check it out, and found out it was The Stig. Lots of fast driving. Not so much plot.
And I'm sorry to squick you out. But slashing them is not much of a stretch from what goes on in the movie. Do you know the deleted scene where their Ma calls from Ireland? It's smokin' hot. In fact, I'll let it take the blame for this fic. It made me write incest porn! *g* Yes, yes, I normally have morals but in the face of so much hotness, my morals crumble like ... er, cake? A very crumbly cake. *nods* :D
There's mother's Irish accent is atrocious! I'm amused to see the actress though; she's a regular on Canadian TV-hee. They should have just found a Newfounlander- the accent is fairly similar, better than that anyway.
Thanks for sharing that bit of brilliance :-)
oh, not to like vidspam you or anything (you don't have anything better to do with your time do you?!), there is another quite short clip of bloopers which features further lying on the floor next to each other naked glory! :D Further proof (PROOF, I say!) that the actors are indeed shagging! (RPS instead of incest, anyone?!) ;D ...also, Smecker makes an appearance.
and yeah, her accent is pretty hilarious. I am particularly amused by non-Aussies putting on Australian accents - it always sounds so wrong to my ears, but I wonder if other non-Aussies don't notice it.
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