Casey was bored. Dagny not having a real job didn't give him much to do to busy himself. Not that he enjoyed the Buy More much, but at least he could try to sell a Beastmaster grill to someone
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"Bonjour!" She returned the greeting, and then lent against the door frame as if she was completely exhausted from walking down a flight of stairs.
"Ah can't stay in dat apartment, no mor'. Iffen ah do, ah'm gonna do somet'in' insane." That was a true statement, there was serious consideration to making some sort of ladder out of a bed sheet and escaping out the window. Hell tunneling out would have done the trick, just to give her something to do.
"Let's get drunk, ah'm buyin'." She pushed herself off the door frame and took a few steps backward before whimpering. "S'il vous plaît!"
"Jus' pretend dey's dead, might as well be. Dough dare is plenty o' stationary t'ings ta shoot at ta. Glass bottles, cans, stuff like dat. Dough dat does surprise meh."
The waiter nodded and left as Dagny put her chin on her palm, watching Casey. "Ah don't like fall, it gets too cold 'round here."
Casey didn't want get into detail about his occasional human bloodlust. So he simply replied, "I go to the target range now and then to hone my skills."
Casey nodded. "I'll definitely miss California's weather. Never got to the freezing mark where we were that I remember."
"Ah ain't shot ah gun in years," she confessed as the waiter put their respective drinks on the table in front of them. "Will ya give me ah lesson? Might help ya out one day . . ." God that would save her some trouble wouldn't it?
Picking up her drink she stirred the ice around in the glass and grinned. "Ain't so bad, got a lot o' fun stuff ta do. Snowmen, an' skatin', an' . . . dat's 'bout it. Have ya always lived in California?"
Catching the look, she sat up a bit straighter and tried not to look like the . . . well the useless runt she felt like she was. "Ah ain't totally useless. Ah can help!" She grinned and put her index fingers by her ears wiggling them about like they were antennas. "Ah bet ah can tell ya lot mo' 'bout dese people den ya can."
"Oh! Now dat's fun, seein' de world, not de assignments. Ah've always wanted ta see de world."
"Try ta turn my cosmic consciousness off when -- " she stopped and looked at him for a very long moment before looking away and across the bar.
For once, Dagny was silent, her thumb moved around the rim of her glass but she didn't say anything. Finally she picked up her drink and took a long sip. "Ya t'ink like dat, an' it's hard ta not hear it. Hard not ta feel it. She's somet'ing, huh?"
At the anger, she shrank back, it was always her first reaction - to make herself as small as possible. It was habit and she just couldn't help herself, and so she fell silent and stared down at her hands before picking up her glass and draining it. If he couldn't keep his damn thoughts to himself then she'd just drown them out.
"Sorry, ah - ah usually am better. Ain't tryin' ta pry . . ." She gave up her attempt at an apology and licked at her lips before glancing up at him.
"Ya gonna be mighty glad when dis is all done wit, ain'tcha?" Dagny gave him a grin.
Casey didn't look at Dagny as he muttered, "I know you can't exactly help it."
He finished his scotch and placed the glass on the table. He then shrugged. "Depends. I thought I would completely hate my last assignment. There were things about it I didn't like but there were other things that I did."
While he looked away, she watched him which was a lot easier to do when he wasn't staring at her. It gave her a moment to wonder about him, what kind of a man he was to think such strong thoughts about a woman. She must be an amazing woman. "Naw kiddin' which is why dose girls at de end o' da bar is gettin' on mah nerves."
The girls she was talking about were the two dark haired girls who were sipping beers and playing songs on the jukebox while waiting for the pool table. "What didja like 'bout it?"
"Ah can't stay in dat apartment, no mor'. Iffen ah do, ah'm gonna do somet'in' insane." That was a true statement, there was serious consideration to making some sort of ladder out of a bed sheet and escaping out the window. Hell tunneling out would have done the trick, just to give her something to do.
"Let's get drunk, ah'm buyin'." She pushed herself off the door frame and took a few steps backward before whimpering. "S'il vous plaît!"
Giving Casey a look she smiled up at the waiter and handed over the menu, "Makers Mark, on the rocks, please."
"I'll just have a scotch, straight up," Casey said to the waiter after Dagny placed her order.
The waiter nodded and left as Dagny put her chin on her palm, watching Casey. "Ah don't like fall, it gets too cold 'round here."
Casey nodded. "I'll definitely miss California's weather. Never got to the freezing mark where we were that I remember."
Picking up her drink she stirred the ice around in the glass and grinned. "Ain't so bad, got a lot o' fun stuff ta do. Snowmen, an' skatin', an' . . . dat's 'bout it. Have ya always lived in California?"
"No, I hadn't always lived there. I was in DC for awhile and elsewhere around the world with military assignment and such."
"Oh! Now dat's fun, seein' de world, not de assignments. Ah've always wanted ta see de world."
"There were certain places I enjoyed. I did enjoy my time in Rome," he said with a bit of a sigh. I'll never forget meeting her in the flower market.
For once, Dagny was silent, her thumb moved around the rim of her glass but she didn't say anything. Finally she picked up her drink and took a long sip. "Ya t'ink like dat, an' it's hard ta not hear it. Hard not ta feel it. She's somet'ing, huh?"
He growled, angry at himself and a bit angry at Dagny, feeling he invaded his privacy a bit.
Once the waiter brought him his scotch, he picked it up and took a sip, saying nothing.
"Sorry, ah - ah usually am better. Ain't tryin' ta pry . . ." She gave up her attempt at an apology and licked at her lips before glancing up at him.
"Ya gonna be mighty glad when dis is all done wit, ain'tcha?" Dagny gave him a grin.
He finished his scotch and placed the glass on the table. He then shrugged. "Depends. I thought I would completely hate my last assignment. There were things about it I didn't like but there were other things that I did."
The girls she was talking about were the two dark haired girls who were sipping beers and playing songs on the jukebox while waiting for the pool table. "What didja like 'bout it?"
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