Want to write a fantastic story and have art created for it? Then this is the thread for you!
Schedule for Writers
Writer sign-ups are open on October 3.
First check-in is December 17.
Second check-in (with optional snippet) is January 15.
Rough drafts are due February 15.
Artists will make a mad dash to claim your story on February 18.
Final Fics and Art Due: March 18.
Posting begins on March 20.
By signing up as a writer you are committing to write a 15K Supernatural or RPF story in any genre. The completion of your masterpiece needs to be in sight by February 15. You will be engaging in a collaborative relationship with your artist, helping them to create the type of art you would like to see accompany your story.
If you have any questions, instead of posting them in the sign-up thread, please refer to the
FAQ or contact the mods.
Sign Me Up!
Comment to this thread with the following information to sign-up as an author. Also feel free to include any other information that you think might be useful. You're welcome to share any thoughts about what you have in mind for your story, but you don't need to have a story idea in mind to sign up.
LJ Username: />
Email:Genre: (gen, het, slash)
Possible pairings: